Watch Simon and the Witch, The Complete Series
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- 1969
Simon and the Witch is a British children's television series that aired on BBC1 from 1987 to 1988. The show is based on a series of books written by Margaret Stuart Barry. The series follows the adventures of Simon, a young boy who moves to the village of St Barty's with his family. Simon soon discovers that there is a witch living in a nearby castle named Aunt Matilda, a crotchety old woman who is not pleased with Simon's arrival. Despite her initial reluctance, Aunt Matilda agrees to take Simon on as her apprentice and teach him about the world of magic.
Throughout the series, Simon and Aunt Matilda embark on a variety of magical adventures. They encounter talking animals, ghosts, and other witches, both friendly and hostile. Simon often finds himself getting into trouble, prompting Aunt Matilda to come to his rescue.
One of the unique aspects of Simon and the Witch is that each episode is introduced by a live-action puppet of Aunt Matilda, who interacts with the audience and sets up the story for that week's episode. The rest of the show is a mix of live-action and puppetry, including Simon's pet tarantula, who sometimes speaks to him.
The series is full of whimsy and adventure, with a sense of humor that makes it enjoyable for both children and adults. It teaches children about the importance of acting responsibly and using their powers for good. Simon often makes mistakes, but Aunt Matilda is always there to help him learn from them and become a better apprentice.
The relationship between Simon and Aunt Matilda is one of the show's strongest points. While Aunt Matilda is initially resistant to taking Simon under her wing, the two develop a deep bond as the series progresses. She becomes protective of him and genuinely cares about his well-being.
Another standout aspect of Simon and the Witch is the show's production design. The set and costumes are colorful and whimsical, with a distinctly British feel. The castle where Aunt Matilda lives is suitably spooky, but also warm and inviting. The puppets are also well-designed, with Aunt Matilda being particularly memorable.
Simon and the Witch also features a strong cast of supporting characters, including Simon's parents and the various animals and magical creatures that he encounters along the way. Each episode brings something new and exciting to the table, keeping audiences engaged throughout the series.
Overall, Simon and the Witch is a charming and entertaining show that has stood the test of time. Its mix of magic, humor, and heart make it a great choice for children and families to watch together. While it may not be as well-known as some of the other British children's shows of its era, it is definitely worth seeking out for those who enjoy a good dose of whimsy and adventure.