Watch Silver Spoon
- 2013
- 2 Seasons
8.1 (5)
Silver Spoon is an anime series produced by Aniplex, and directed by Tomohiko Ito, based on the manga series with the same name, written by Hiromu Arakawa, the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist. The show is a comedy-drama series that revolves around the life of a young high school student named Yugo Hachiken, and his experiences at an agricultural high school in Hokkaido, Japan. The show is set in the countryside, and it follows Yugo Hachiken as he tries to adapt to a new environment, different from the comfortable urban life he had in Sapporo.
The story of Silver Spoon revolves around Yugo Hachiken, a hard-working and talented high school student who decides to leave his home in Sapporo and attend Oezo Agricultural High School in Hokkaido. Yugo is the epitome of the urban high school student who has no experience with farm life. He decides to attend Oezo because he thinks that it will be an easy way to get into a prestigious university, but he soon realizes that it is far from easy.
At Oezo, Yugo is faced with a completely different world than what he is used to. He has to wake up early for chores, attend classes in animal husbandry and crop cultivation, work in the fields, and take care of animals. Yugo is constantly struggling to keep up with the pace of the agricultural high school, and is frequently humiliated by his lack of skills. But he soon realizes that there is more to life than just studying and that the people he meets here are unique and memorable.
Throughout the series, we see Yugo's growth as he faces new challenges, learns new skills, and develops relationships with the students and teachers at Oezo. We also get to see the daily lives of the other students at Oezo, and their experiences on the farm and in the classroom.
One of the show's strengths is the character development. The characters in Silver Spoon are diverse and well-rounded, each with their own unique personality and story. Some of the students at Oezo are there because they are passionate about agriculture, while others are there because they have no other choice. Nonetheless, they all work hard every day and do their best to achieve their goals.
One of the standout characters on the show is Hachiken's roommate, Aki Mikage, whom he develops a close bond with throughout the series. Aki comes from a farming family and is immensely talented in all aspects of agriculture. She acts as an inspiration for Hachiken, who is constantly comparing himself to her.
Another unique character is Tamako Inada, a teacher at Oezo who is passionate about animal husbandry and is responsible for the school's equestrian club. She is tough on her students but is always willing to teach them the ropes of animal care.
The show's art style is simple, yet it effectively conveys the story and the rural environment of Hokkaido. The animation shines when it comes to the portrayal of the animals and the landscapes. The music is also worth noting, as it complements the story and adds to the emotional depth of the series.
Overall, Silver Spoon is a heartwarming and entertaining show that tackles the theme of self-discovery and the importance of hard work. It is a must-watch for those who love slice-of-life, coming-of-age stories, and anime set in the countryside. The series is full of humor, friendship, and life lessons that will resonate with viewers of all ages.