Shut Eye is a drama TV series that premiered on Hulu in 2016. The show follows the life of a fake psychic named Charlie Haverford, played by Jeffrey Donovan. Charlie works for a group of Romani people who run a fraudulent fortune-telling business. However, Charlie's life takes an unexpected turn when he begins to have real visions that he cannot explain.
In the first episode, viewers are introduced to Charlie as a crooked psychic who uses his charm and salesman skills to trick unsuspecting clients into believing that he can communicate with their deceased loved ones or predict their future. Charlie works for a woman named Linda, played by KaDee Strickland, who runs a group of psychics who are all part of the same scam. Linda is a tough woman who controls Charlie and the other psychics with an iron fist, and it is clear that Charlie is not happy working for her.
Charlie's dissatisfaction with his life grows when he starts experiencing strange, vivid visions that disturb him. His visions become more frequent and intense, and he begins to question the nature of his abilities. At the same time, he becomes involved with a woman named Gina, played by Emmanuelle Chriqui, who is not part of the world of psychics. Gina is a nurse and a widow, and Charlie is attracted to her honesty and realness.
The show follows Charlie as he navigates his relationships with Linda, Gina, and his wife, who is also involved in the psychic scam. As Charlie's visions become more intense and his grip on reality starts to slip, he finds himself in a dangerous situation with a powerful gangster named Eduardo, played by Angus Sampson. Eduardo is a villain who is willing to do anything to get what he wants, and he becomes a formidable opponent for Charlie.
Throughout the show, Charlie's relationships and allegiances shift as he explores the nature of his abilities and tries to understand what is happening to him. Shut Eye is a character-driven drama that explores themes of identity, power, and deception.
One of the strengths of Shut Eye is its complex portrayal of the Romani community. The show features a diverse cast of Romani actors, including Isabella Rosellini and David Zayas, and it offers a nuanced and respectful depiction of Romani culture. The show also shines a light on the challenges that Romani people face in American society, including discrimination and marginalization.
The show's main strength, however, lies in its performances. Jeffrey Donovan delivers a nuanced and compelling performance as Charlie, bringing depth and complexity to a character who could easily come across as one-dimensional. KaDee Strickland is also excellent as Linda, conveying both her hardness and her vulnerability. The supporting cast, including Emmanuelle Chriqui, Angus Sampson, and Isabella Rosellini, are all strong in their respective roles.
The show's pacing is slow and deliberate, which may turn off viewers who are looking for fast-paced action or plot-driven narratives. However, for those who are willing to invest in the characters and the world of the show, Shut Eye offers a rich and rewarding viewing experience. The show's cinematography is also stunning, with vivid colors and striking images that add to the dreamlike quality of Charlie's visions.
In conclusion, Shut Eye is a thoughtful and engaging drama that explores complex themes of identity, power, and deception. The show's well-drawn characters, excellent performances, and striking cinematography make it a worthwhile viewing experience for fans of character-driven dramas. While it may not be for everyone, those who are willing to invest in the world of the show will be rewarded with a rich and rewarding viewing experience.
Shut Eye is a series that ran for 2 seasons (20 episodes) between December 7, 2016 and on Hulu Originals
Premiere DateDecember 7, 2016
IMDB Rating7.3 (4,049)
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