Shefik presents Invocation Season 1 Episode 21

Ep 21. Melba Moore: Breathing Is a Lot More Than Just Staying Alive

  • June 4, 2017
  • 1 min

Shefik presents Invocation season 1 episode 21 titled "Melba Moore: Breathing Is a Lot More Than Just Staying Alive" features an in-depth interview with the legendary singer, actress, and producer, Melba Moore. The episode explores Moore's journey from humble beginnings to becoming an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. She discusses her early struggles and hardships, including losing her mother at a young age and facing financial difficulties. Despite the obstacles, Moore persevered and went on to achieve tremendous success in the music and theater worlds.

Throughout the interview, Moore shares insights and wisdom gained from her career and life experiences. She speaks of the importance of breathing, both in a physiological sense and in a metaphorical sense. She emphasizes the significance of being fully present in the moment and how that impacts our overall well-being. Moore also speaks about the transformative power of music and its ability to heal and inspire.

The episode showcases Moore's stunning vocals with several musical performances, including a captivating rendition of her hit song "Lean on me" and a soulful cover of Billie Holiday's "God Bless the Child". She also shares her thoughts on the current state of the music industry and the importance of staying true to oneself as an artist.

In addition to her music career, Moore is also a renowned actress and producer, and the episode highlights some of her notable accomplishments in those fields. She talks about her experience working with the legendary choreographer Bob Fosse on the Broadway production of "Pippin" and the impact that had on her as an artist. Moore also shares insights into her experience producing the multi-award-winning play "Freud's Last Session".

Throughout the interview, Moore's energy and spirit shine through as she shares her stories and insights with Shefik. With its captivating musical performances and meaningful discussions, "Melba Moore: Breathing Is a Lot More Than Just Staying Alive" is a must-watch for anyone interested in the power of music and the transformative power of the arts.

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  • First Aired
    June 4, 2017
  • Runtime
    1 min
  • Language