Shefik presents Invocation Season 1 Episode 20

Ep 20. Terry Derkach: Reach out and Show Them That You're There to Help

  • May 29, 2017
  • 3 min

Shefik presents Invocation season 1 episode 20 features a special guest named Terry Derkach. The episode title, "Reach out and Show Them That You're There to Help," encapsulates the essence of the conversation between Shefik and Derkach, who is a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Canfield Trainer in The Success Principles.

Throughout the episode, Derkach talks about her life journey and how she became a life coach. She shares her experiences of struggling with anxiety and depression, which led her to seek help from a therapist. It was this experience that made her realize the importance of reaching out for help when one is struggling. Derkach emphasizes that there is no shame in seeking help and that it is a sign of strength to recognize yourself in need and take action.

Derkach also discusses her coaching practice and how she helps her clients in making positive changes in their lives. She emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and taking small steps towards achieving them. Derkach shares how she uses various tools and techniques to help her clients, such as positive affirmations, visualization, and meditation.

One of the main themes of the episode is the power of human connection. Derkach stresses the importance of reaching out to others and building meaningful relationships. She talks about her experience of volunteering at a crisis line and how it taught her the importance of listening to others and being there for them.

Derkach also talks about the challenges she faced while building her coaching practice. She shares her experience of self-doubt and fear of failure, but emphasizes the importance of persistence and determination in overcoming these challenges.

Throughout the episode, Shefik and Derkach have a heartfelt conversation, and Shefik shares his own experiences of struggling with anxiety and depression. Shefik and Derkach discuss the stigma surrounding mental health issues and how it can prevent people from seeking help. They stress the importance of breaking down these barriers and creating a culture of empathy and understanding.

Overall, Shefik presents Invocation season 1 episode 20 is a powerful episode that highlights the importance of seeking help, building meaningful relationships, and persevering through challenges. Derkach's inspiring journey and her commitment to helping others will leave viewers feeling motivated and inspired to make positive changes in their own lives.

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  • First Aired
    May 29, 2017
  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language