Shefik presents Invocation Season 1 Episode 19

Ep 19. Alafaka Opuiyo: That Definitely Is Post-Traumatic Stress

  • May 29, 2017
  • 3 min

Shefik presents Invocation is an award-winning, nationally syndicated radio show featuring interviews with notable icons from various fields, including entertainment, politics, and business. In season 1 episode 19, titled "Alafaka Opuiyo: That Definitely Is Post-Traumatic Stress," Shefik sits down with Alafaka Opuiyo, a survivor of domestic violence, to discuss her journey of healing and the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Opuiyo shares her experiences of enduring physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of her former partner. She describes how the trauma had a profound effect on her mental health, leading her to suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Opuiyo talks about the challenges she faced in recognizing and seeking help for her condition, as well as the stigma surrounding mental health in the African-American community.

Throughout the episode, Opuiyo also highlights the importance of self-care and adopting healthy coping mechanisms for those who have experienced trauma. She emphasizes the value of therapy, meditation, and exercise in helping individuals recover from the effects of PTSD and other mental health disorders. Opuiyo also speaks on finding support from her community, family, and friends, and how their love and encouragement have helped her heal.

Shefik and Opuiyo delve into the broader issue of domestic violence and its prevalence in society. They discuss the need for increased awareness and resources for survivors of abuse, particularly in marginalized communities. Opuiyo shares her advocacy work and involvement in organizations dedicated to supporting survivors and raising awareness about domestic violence.

In conclusion, "Alafaka Opuiyo: That Definitely Is Post-Traumatic Stress" is a moving and thought-provoking episode that sheds light on the effects of trauma and the importance of mental health awareness and support. It offers a message of hope and resilience to those who have experienced trauma and encourages individuals to seek help and adopt healthy coping mechanisms in their journey towards healing. Through Opuiyo's story, listeners gain insight into the complexities of domestic violence and the importance of community support in overcoming adversity.

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  • First Aired
    May 29, 2017
  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language