Watch Shades
- 2001
- 1 Season
Shades is a British drama series produced by Acorn Media, first released in 2001. The show consists of six episodes, each lasting about an hour. The series revolves around the members of the Shaw family, particularly the patriarch, Mark Shaw (Warren Clarke) and his son, Danny (Stephen Moyer). Mark is a successful businessman and the owner of a chain of funeral parlours, but his life is thrown into disarray when he is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Danny, who has been estranged from his father for many years, returns to the family business and the Shaw family home, Wakering House, to help take care of his father and to try to make amends for the past.
Along with Mark and Danny, the show features a cast of well-drawn characters with complex relationships to each other. There's Mark's second wife, Sheryl (Sasha Behar), who is struggling to hold the family together in the midst of Mark's illness, and her teenage son, Josh (Calvin Dean), who has a difficult relationship with Danny. There's also Mark's younger daughter, Amanda (Siobhan Finneran), who has always lived in her father's shadow, and her husband, James (Nick Holder), who has a history with Danny.
The show deals with themes of grief, family dynamics, and secrets. Each episode focuses on a different member of the Shaw family and the secrets they are keeping. These include Danny's past as a drug addict, Sheryl's relationship with her ex-husband, and even Mark's secret affair.
Despite the heavy subject matter, Shades is not a depressing show. There are moments of humour and warmth, particularly in the relationship between Mark and Danny. The show also features beautiful cinematography and a haunting soundtrack.
Overall, Shades is a well-crafted drama with strong performances and intriguing characters. The show examines the complexity of family relationships and the secrets that can tear them apart.