Sesame Street Season 36 Episode 15
Sesame Street
Season 36

Ep 15. Rock Sitter for Rocco

  • September 9, 2005

Sesame Street season 36 episode 15, titled "Rock Sitter for Rocco," follows the beloved characters of Sesame Street as they care for Rocco, Elmo's pet rock, while Elmo goes to school.

The episode begins with Elmo announcing that he has to go to school, leaving Abby, Rosita, Telly, and Zoe in charge of Rocco. Initially, the group is excited to watch Rocco and play with him, but they soon realize that taking care of a rock is harder than they thought.

The group tries to play games with Rocco, but they quickly realize he can't move or speak like they can. They then take turns watching Rocco, but soon find that sitting still and doing nothing is boring and difficult, leading to a hilarious game of "Statue Tag."

Eventually, the group realizes that they need to find a way to entertain Rocco without physically moving him. Abby suggests they use their imaginations and pretend that Rocco is a spaceship, a pirate treasure, and a mountain to climb. The group has a great time using their imagination to play with Rocco.

Meanwhile, Elmo is having a rough day at school and missing Rocco. His teacher, Mr. Johnson, notices Elmo's sadness and listens as Elmo explains how much he misses Rocco. Mr. Johnson points out that even though Rocco is just a rock, he is still special because Elmo loves him and takes good care of him.

Back on Sesame Street, the group continues to find new ways to play with Rocco, including using him as a stepping stone in a game of hopscotch and using him to make funny faces. They even put on a play for Rocco, acting out a story where Rocco is the hero.

As the day comes to an end, Elmo returns home and is overjoyed to see that Rocco has been well taken care of. Elmo thanks his friends for being such good rock sitters and shows Rocco all the pictures he drew of them throughout the day.

The episode concludes with Elmo and his friends snuggling up with Rocco for a nap. Even though Rocco is just a rock, he has brought them all together and sparked their imagination.

Overall, "Rock Sitter for Rocco" is a heartwarming episode that teaches kids about the importance of imagination, creativity, and caring for their belongings, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. The episode is filled with fun and laughter, and is a great addition to the iconic Sesame Street series.

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  • First Aired
    September 9, 2005
  • Language