Sesame Street Season 35 Episode 13
Sesame Street
Season 35

Ep 13. Elmo's Chicken Dream

  • TVY
  • April 13, 2004

Elmo's Chicken Dream is an exciting episode from season 35 of Sesame Street. The show is designed for young children and focuses on teaching them various skills and concepts in a fun and entertaining way. The episode centers around Elmo having an extensive dream containing lots of chickens, and all of his interactions with them within the dream.

The show begins with Elmo sleeping and dreaming of a world full of chickens. Suddenly, a group of chickens appears on his headboard, and they start to interact with him. They all start to speak in chicken language, which makes Elmo excited. Elmo then jumps into the dream to explore more about this fantastic dream world of chickens.

Once inside, Elmo finds that there are chickens everywhere, and they are all doing different things like singing, sleeping, and playing games. They invite Elmo to join in with their activities, and he agrees enthusiastically. He plays games with them, dances with them, and even plays chase. The chicken world seems like a fun place filled with different activities for Elmo to participate in, and he is overjoyed.

One of the things that Elmo notices while in the dream world is that all the chickens seem to be afraid of something called "the big chicken," who appears to be their leader. Elmo is curious, so he decides to go and talk to the big chicken to find out what is going on. The big chicken tells Elmo that they are all scared because a fox keeps coming into their coop and stealing their eggs. This causes them distress because their eggs are precious to them.

Elmo and the big chicken then come up with a plan to catch the fox. They decide to work together to build a trap, which involves using some string and a box. Once the trap is in place, they wait for the fox to show up. When the fox finally arrives, he steps into the trap, and the chickens are ecstatic that they finally caught him. Elmo helps to carry the fox away, and they all cheer.

The episode then comes to a close, with Elmo waking up from his dream and realizing that it was all just a dream. He is disappointed that he won't be able to play with the chickens anymore, but then realizes that he can always visit them again in his dreams. The show ends with Elmo lying back down to go back to sleep, excited to see where his dreams will take him next.

In summary, the Sesame Street season 35 episode 13, Elmo's Chicken Dream, is an entertaining and educational episode for children. The episode covers a lot of ground, from teamwork and problem-solving to friendship and interaction with new cultures, all through a creative and whimsical dream world filled with chickens. It shows young children the importance of working together and building strong relationships with others to solve problems. Overall, the episode is highly recommended for young children, and it is sure to be an enjoyable and educational experience.

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  • First Aired
    April 13, 2004
  • Content Rating
  • Language