Sesame Street: Animals and Nature Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Elmo Finds a Baby Bird

  • November 20, 2009

Elmo Finds a Baby Bird is the fourth episode of the first season of Sesame Street: Animals and Nature. The episode revolves around Elmo, who finds a baby bird in the park and goes on a journey to figure out how to take care of it.

The episode starts with Elmo playing in the park when he stumbles upon a little baby bird. Elmo is sad to see that the bird is alone and decides to take care of it. Not knowing anything about caring for birds, Elmo seeks help from his friends on Sesame Street.

First, Elmo goes to see Big Bird, who knows a lot about birds. Big Bird tells Elmo that the baby bird needs to be fed and kept warm. To feed the baby bird, Elmo needs to make a special mixture of water and bread crumbs. Big Bird also tells Elmo that the baby bird needs to be kept warm, so Elmo creates a little nest for the bird out of leaves and sticks.

Next, Elmo goes to visit Abby Cadabby, who is a fairy and knows a lot about magic. Abby Cadabby teaches Elmo a magic spell that can help the baby bird feel better. Elmo tries the spell but it doesn't seem to work, so Abby Cadabby suggests that Elmo just keep taking care of the bird and it will get better on its own.

Elmo's next stop is at the local pet store, where he meets a helpful store owner who gives him some advice on how to care for the baby bird. The store owner tells Elmo that he should make sure the bird is eating well and keeping its feathers clean.

As Elmo continues to care for the baby bird, he runs into a problem when he has to go to school and can't take care of the bird. Elmo's friends come to his rescue and offer to take care of the bird while he's at school.

In the end, Elmo realizes that taking care of a bird is a big responsibility, but it's also a lot of fun. He decides to release the baby bird back into the wild so that it can be with its family. Elmo says goodbye to the bird and tells it that he will always remember the time they spent together.

Elmo Finds a Baby Bird is a heartwarming episode that teaches young viewers about the importance of taking care of animals and the responsibility that comes with it. The episode also touches on the themes of friendship, kindness, and empathy.

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  • First Aired
    November 20, 2009
  • Language