Sell This House Season 3 Episode 15
Sell This House
Season 3

Ep 15. Manhattan, New York City, NY - Lou Giacalone

  • September 25, 2005

Sell This House is a popular real estate show where homeowners are given tips and tricks on how to sell their house faster. In season 3 episode 15, the show focuses on Lou Giacalone’s house located in Manhattan, New York City, NY. Lou Giacalone has been trying to sell his house for over a year, but with no luck.

The house is located in one of Manhattan’s most prestigious neighborhoods, and the area is known for its high-end properties. Lou’s house has a lot of potential, but the house needs a lot of work. The house is outdated, the walls are dull, and the furniture is old fashioned. Despite his best efforts, Lou has not been able to attract any serious buyers. The Sell This House team comes to his aid, to help him spruce up the house and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Host Roger Hazard and designer Tanya Memme takes the viewers on a tour of the house, showing each room and the changes that need to be made. They both agree that the house needs a major overhaul, but they also note that the house has a lot of potential. The first thing on their list is to give the house a fresh coat of paint. Tanya advises Lou that painting the walls in light and neutral tones will make the house look more spacious and brighter.

Next, the team starts to de-clutter and depersonalize the house. Tanya advises Lou to get rid of excessive furniture and personal artifacts that may prevent potential buyers from envisioning themselves living in the house. Tanya also adds that staging the house will make a huge difference in attracting buyers. She transforms the living room by getting rid of the old couch and replacing it with a modern and stylish one. She also adds some colorful throw pillows and artwork to make the room look more inviting.

In the kitchen, Tanya advises Lou to reface the cabinets, change the hardware, and add an island. The new island provides storage and adds much-needed counter space. She also adds a kitchen table and chairs, to help potential buyers visually envision what the house would be like as a home.

In the bathroom, Tanya recommends that Lou replaces the outdated fixtures and repaints the walls. She also advises Lou to remove the clutter from the bathroom and accessories to give it a more spa-like feel.

Finally, the team works their magic outside, where they make minor repairs and add some nice landscaping. They clean up the flower beds, add some fresh plants, and repaint the trimmings to give the house a more polished look.

After a few days of work, Lou is awed by the transformation of his house. The Sell This House team did an excellent job restoring the house to its former glory. Lou’s house now looks like a brand new luxurious space, full of warmth and modernity.

The big reveal day arrives, and a group of potential buyers are invited to take a tour of the house. They are blown away by the transformation and love how the house has a fresh, modern look and new appliances. Lou is also happy with the transformation, and he is now more optimistic about selling his house.

In the end, Sell this House turned Lou’s outdated, non-selling house into an attractive, hospitable space that buyers couldn’t resist. The show is an excellent guide for homeowners looking to sell their homes faster. It’s informative, educational, and provides practical advice on how to make your house more attractive to potential buyers.

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  • First Aired
    September 25, 2005
  • Language