Ep 8. Episode 8
Scissor Seven is a Chinese animated series that follows a young man named Seven who, by day, runs a small hair salon in a quiet seaside town and by night, works as a freelance assassin. The show is known for its stunning animation style and humor.
In episode 8, Seven finds himself in a bit of a tricky situation when he is hired by his estranged childhood friend to assassinate a high-profile politician. Seven is hesitant to take the job, but he is in desperate need of money and his friend promises to pay him handsomely.
However, as Seven begins to plan his attack, he starts to realize that something doesn't feel quite right. He begins to suspect that his friend might not be telling him the whole truth about the situation, and he starts to uncover some disturbing secrets about the politician he's supposed to kill.
Meanwhile, Da Bao, Seven's pet chicken, has accidentally swallowed a valuable piece of jewelry that belongs to a dangerous gangster. This puts Seven in even more danger and he must navigate his way through various obstacles to keep himself and Da Bao safe.
As always, the episode is filled with action, adventure, and comedic moments. The animation is beautifully done and the storyline is engaging and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Fans of the series will love episode 8 for its unique blend of humor and drama, and for its clever plot twists and turns. The show continues to impress with its stunning animation and compelling characters, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys anime or animated series.