Watch Scams
- TV-14
- 2019
6.3 (466)
Scams is a 10-episode Japanese drama that originally aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System in 2019. The show follows the life of a young man named Kurosawa Yamato, who is a con artist with a heart of gold. He runs a scamming operation that involves tricking wealthy people into paying him large sums of money for fake investment opportunities. However, he only targets people who are morally corrupt, such as politicians, celebrities, and other high-status individuals who abuse their power and influence.
Scams is a unique take on the con artist genre, as it delves deep into the psychological aspect of scamming and the motivations behind it. Kurosawa's backstory is explored in detail, as we see how he became a con artist after being betrayed and abandoned by his family and friends. He is driven by a desire to expose and punish those who have wronged him, as well as to seek revenge against society as a whole.
The show is set in Tokyo and features stunning cinematography that captures the bustling city in all its glory. The locations range from grimy back alleys to luxurious penthouses, creating a vivid depiction of the contrast between the rich and poor in Japan's capital. Scams also features a stellar cast of actors, including Tatsuya Fujiwara, who is best known for his role as Light Yagami in the manga adaptation Death Note. Fujiwara portrays Kurosawa with a nuanced performance that balances his charming persona with his cunning scheming.
The plot of Scams is comprised of multiple arcs, each focusing on a different scam that Kurosawa and his team pull off. What makes the show unique is that each arc is tied to a larger narrative that slowly unfolds over the course of the season. As Kurosawa continues his escapades, he attracts the attention of a mysterious figure named Hiromichi Tsubaki, who seems to know more about him than he lets on. Tsubaki is played by Masanobu Ando, who delivers a chilling performance that leaves the viewer wondering what his true intentions are.
Scams also has a lot of comedic moments that serve as a contrast to the heavier themes of the show. Kurosawa's team consists of a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique talents and quirks. Shirasaki Hiyo (played by Kento Hayashi) is the group's tech genius, who creates fake websites and documents to support their cons. Udagawa Sho (played by Shugo Oshinari) is the muscle of the group, who is always ready to throw a punch when things go wrong. Risa Matsuda (played by Anna Ishii) is Kurosawa's love interest, who struggles to reconcile her feelings for him with his manipulative personality.
One of the standout episodes of Scams is "The X-Ray Shirt", which revolves around Kurosawa's attempt to scam a powerful politician who is trying to pass a controversial piece of legislation. The episode is a masterclass in tension-building, as Kurosawa has to navigate through a highly secure building to get to the politician's office. The scene where he dons an x-ray shirt to trick the security guards is both hilarious and thrilling, showcasing the show's ability to blend comedy and suspense seamlessly.
Overall, Scams is a highly entertaining and engaging drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It's a refreshing take on the con artist genre that explores the darker side of human nature, while also celebrating the power of friendship and loyalty. Highly recommended for fans of crime shows and Japanese dramas alike.