Saturday Night Live Season 6 Episode 3

Ep 3. Ellen Burstyn/Aretha Franklin

  • Not Rated
  • December 6, 1980
  • 5.9  (72)

Ellen Burstyn, a revered actress and Oscar winner, takes the hosting duties on Saturday Night Live for Season 6 Episode 3. Burstyn, who has worked with Martin Scorsese, Peter Bogdanovich, and other prominent directors, lends an air of sophistication and gravitas to the comedy sketches.

The show opens with a parody commercial for "The Gumby Playset," featuring cast member Eddie Murphy as Gumby and guest star Burstyn as his Grandmother. The sketch sets the tone for the episode, blending absurdist humor with referential nods to pop culture touchstones like Star Wars.

Burstyn's presence is also felt in a sketch that parodies her own life as an actress. The sketch, entitled "Raging Bullwinkle," imagines a world where Scorsese directed a Rocky and Bullwinkle movie starring Robert De Niro and Burstyn. The absurdity of the premise is heightened by the fact that the cartoon characters are played by live actors, and Burstyn gets to poke fun at Hollywood excess and the film industry's tendency to recycle old ideas.

Another standout sketch features Burstyn as a bank teller who is obsessed with the Beach Boys. The sketch, entitled "California Savings and Loan," features a singing and dancing cast, including guest star Aretha Franklin. Burstyn gets to show off her comedic chops as she twirls around the bank lobby, belting out "I Get Around" to the delight of the cast and audience alike.

Franklin herself gets a chance to shine in a sketch that parodies her own music career. Entitled "Chain Reaction," the sketch features Franklin as a diva recording a new album with a hapless sound engineer played by cast member Joe Piscopo. The two bicker over everything from the proper way to record backup vocals to the right temperature of the room. Franklin's portrayal of herself is self-deprecating and tongue-in-cheek, and her powerful voice provides a nice counterpoint to the absurdity of the situation.

Other sketches in the episode include a take on the classic children's TV show Sesame Street, a parody of the classic sitcom Cheers, and a mock game show entitled "What's It All About?" The sketches are a mix of hits and misses, but Burstyn's presence provides a welcome anchor for the proceedings. Her willingness to jump into the silliness of the comedy sketches and play along with the absurdities of the show is a testament to her versatility as an actress.

The musical performances in the episode also deserve a mention. Franklin performs two songs, "United Together" and "Jump to It," showcasing her range as both a powerful balladeer and an energetic performer. The Beach Boys also make an appearance, performing a medley of their hits, including "Good Vibrations" and "Surfer Girl." The musical interludes provide a nice break from the comedy sketches and offer a glimpse into the musical landscape of the early 80s.

Overall, Season 6 Episode 3 of Saturday Night Live is a solid entry in the show's history. Burstyn and Franklin are the clear highlights of the episode, and their performances add a touch of class and musicality to the proceedings. The comedy sketches are a mixed bag, but there are enough laughs to keep the show moving at a brisk pace. Fans of 80s pop culture and classic SNL will find plenty to enjoy in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    December 6, 1980
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.9  (72)