Saturday Night Live Season 19 Episode 4

Ep 4. John Malkovich/Billy Joel

  • Not Rated
  • October 23, 1993
  • 6.6  (83)

John Malkovich hosts this hilarious episode of Saturday Night Live, accompanied by the legendary Billy Joel as the musical guest. The show kicks off with a cold open about the recent U.S. Presidential Debates, followed by an exciting monologue by Malkovich, in which he gives us a glimpse of his many talents, including singing, dancing, and even speaking in other languages.

The first sketch of the night features Malkovich as a quirky, out-of-touch college professor trying to give a lecture on gender studies to his students, played by the cast members. His eccentric behavior soon gets the best of him, leading to a hilariously chaotic classroom setting. Next up, the show takes a turn into the supernatural with a skit about a group of friends playing with a ouija board, only to find themselves haunted by the spirit of a deceased neighbor.

The digital short of the night tackles the subject of teenage melodrama head-on with “The Cute Girl is Moving,” a tongue-in-cheek portrayal of teenage heartbreak and the over-the-top emotions that come with it. The next sketch features Malkovich as a hopeless romantic, trying to woo his crush with absurdly grand gestures, while she remains unimpressed and oblivious to his advances.

The highlight of the night is undoubtedly Billy Joel’s stunning musical performance, which includes a selection of his greatest hits, including “Piano Man,” “Uptown Girl,” and “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” Following the musical act, SNL returns with a sketch about a group of friends at a fancy restaurant, trying to impress each other with their knowledge of cuisine, but quickly realizing that none of them actually know anything about the food they’re eating.

The next sketch involves Malkovich parodying himself on the set of a movie, being interrupted by an eccentric film director and struggling to maintain his composure. The final sketch of the night is a hilarious parody of a cheesy 80s music video, featuring the entire cast in outrageous costumes and ridiculous dance moves.

Overall, this episode of Saturday Night Live is filled with laughter, great performances, and exceptional writing. John Malkovich shines as the host, showing off his comedic skills and bringing an element of class and sophistication to the show, while Billy Joel delivers a memorable musical performance that will have fans singing along.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 1993
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.6  (83)