Watch Sasameki Koto
- 2007
- 1 Season
Sasameki Koto is a heartwarming romantic comedy anime that revolves around the story of two girls, Sumika Murasame and Ushio Kazama, who are in love with each other but are struggling to express it. The show follows their journey as they navigate their way through high school life while trying to come to terms with their feelings and find the courage to confess their love.
The character of Sumika Murasame, voiced by Ayahi Takagaki, is a tall and athletic girl who is secretly in love with her best friend Ushio Kazama but is unable to confess her feelings due to fear of rejection. Ushio Kazama, on the other hand, is a petite and cute girl who is oblivious to Sumika's feelings but is struggling with her own confusion about her sexual identity. She is voiced by Megumi Takamoto.
The show also features a supporting cast of characters who play an important role in both Sumika and Ushio's lives. These include Masaki Akemiya, voiced by Wataru Hatano, who has a crush on Sumika and tries to win her affections through various means; Tomoe Hachisuka, voiced by Ayana Taketatsu, a shy girl who has a crush on Ushio; and Miyako Taema, voiced by Saori Hayami, a popular and outgoing girl who is also in love with Ushio.
The show is set in a typical Japanese high school setting and explores various themes such as love, friendship, acceptance, and identity. It portrays the struggles of LGBTQ+ youth in a society that is often intolerant and hostile towards them. The show sensitively handles these themes and offers a refreshing perspective on the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals.
The animation is top-notch, with vibrant colors and fluid movements that bring the characters to life. The soundtrack is also exceptional, with a mix of upbeat and relaxing tracks that perfectly complement the show's tone.
Overall, Sasameki Koto is a charming and heartwarming anime that will appeal to fans of the romance genre. Its portrayal of LGBTQ+ themes and issues is refreshing and sensitive, and the characters are well-developed and relatable. If you are looking for a feel-good anime that explores the complexities of love and relationships, then Sasameki Koto is definitely worth a watch.