Sarah Jane Adventures season 2 episode 3, titled "The Day of the Clown, Pt. 1," follows the story of a seemingly harmless circus clown that appears to be terrorizing teenagers in the small English town of Park Vale. Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Maria investigate the recent odd behavior of the local teens, and soon discover that they have all visited the circus recently. As the investigation deepens, Sarah Jane and her team uncover a dark secret about the circus, and the clown, that threatens the safety of everyone in Park Vale. With the help of an old friend, they must race against time to stop the clown before it's too late.
CastJem BrownleeAaron ShosanyaBradley WalshHuw HigginsonBradley Walsh
First AiredOctober 6, 2008
Content RatingTV-PG
Runtime28 min
IMDB Rating7.5 (284)
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