Samurai Deeper Kyo Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. Red Mirage

  • July 16, 2002

The third episode of Samurai Deeper Kyo season 1 is titled "Red Mirage." In this episode, our main protagonist, Mibu Kyoshiro, along with his sidekick Yuya Shiina, continue their journey to locate the "Number One Under Heaven" following the orders of the Royal Warden of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

On their way, they meet a young boy named Benitora who introduces himself as a self-proclaimed "second to the Number One Under Heaven." The three of them soon become friends and decide to travel together.

As they journey through the desert, they come across a mysterious red mirage, which is said to be a curse that befalls anyone who enters it. Despite knowing the danger, Benitora insists on going through the mirage, as he believes the Number One Under Heaven is beyond it.

As they enter the mirage, the trio faces many obstacles, including hallucinations, dehydration, and hostile creatures. However, they manage to overcome these challenges and make it to the other side.

Once they pass the mirage, they meet a group of bandits who challenge them to a fight. The group's leader, Akira, reveals that he is the brother of Benitora and that he is also after the Number One Under Heaven's head to avenge their father's death.

A battle ensues, and Mibu Kyoshiro proves his worth as a samurai by defeating Akira and his men. After the fight, Benitora decides to join Mibu Kyoshiro and Yuya on their journey, hoping to find the Number One Under Heaven and get the answers he seeks.

"Red Mirage" is an action-packed adventure episode that takes the viewers through a thrilling journey full of unexpected twists and turns. It showcases the strength and determination of the main characters and sets up the stage for an exciting future filled with rivalries, battles, and exploration of Japanese mythology and culture.

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  • First Aired
    July 16, 2002
  • Language