Saiyuki Season 3 Episode 18
Season 3

Ep 18. Misgivings ~hesitation~

  • July 29, 2004
  • 23 min

After the flashback: everyone is frozen with shock as Dokugaku thuds to the ground. Gato reloads one gun. Yaone calls Doku's name; Goku runs forward and leaps into the air. Gat aims at him, but the saru lands at Doku's side, glaring daggers at the big native, and loads the fallen youkai onto his shoulders. His look positively dares Gat to do anything about it, and Gat chooses not to, reloading his other pistol instead as Goku carries Dokugaku to safety. The big guy groans in pain; Yaone runs to his side to assess the wound, saying it looks bad. Kougaiji is furious with Goku, saying that this is their fight and the SI was told not to interfere. ==Kou watches as Hazel heals Gato's sword slash (and his clothes along with it, whoa!)--Hazel sees them watching and smiles knowingly. Goku tells Kou it's impossible to stop Gato by just wounding him, as Hazel will keep healing him with youkai souls, but Kou grates that that doesn't matter: "I'll vaporize him." Seriously pissed-off-mad (and he's gorgeous that way =), the prince tells Goku that the ikkou is in his way and needs to clear the hell out now. Goku grins and says he gets it; grateful Yaone gives him the thanks the prince is too angry to give, Goku replies with a thumbs-up and bounds back to his crew. Hazel chuckles and, in his acid-sweet way, remarks how nice it is to see demons gettin' along so well together.

But the next thing Hazel hears is Kou beginning the chant that raises Engokuki (yaay!! we've missed him/that/it! =) , and he stares in dismay-becoming-alarm as a storm of power roils around the youkai prince and his huge fire-demon familiar boils forth. Gat stands between Hazel and the monster, but his eyes are (justifiably!) terrified as it looms toward them, and Hazel, realizing they're no match for this, drags him along as they leap clear. The Hazel-tachi runs for it as the SI watches--then they belatedly realize they're parked directly in Engokuki's path (yike!), and barely pile into Hakuryuu in time to escape. The shock wave of the huge beastie's passing hurls them into a stone wall and fills the back seat with rubble, but somehow no harm is done.

Kougaiji stands in the dust and ruins of the fire-demon's attack, and sees that Hazel and Gat are still standing. Hazel admits he's surprised, and says "no amount of souls" would have helped if that had hit him. Gat admits this is a tough opponent, and Hazel says they shouldn't have taken him lightly, seein' as he's an acquaintance of Sanzo-han's. What should we do, asks Gat, and Hazel smiles tightly: what indeed?

Yaone, apparently caught without her healing kit, can only encourage Doku to "stay with us" as he suffers (I'm assuming the only reason his brother isn't over here with her is backseat full of rubble/etc.). Kou grimly promises he'll "finish them off" shortly and tells them to hold on a bit longer; Yaone gazes up adoringly and says they will.

Gato walks steadily toward Kou; the prince holds immobile until he's close, then drops into his summoning crouch and begins the chant. Gat breaks into a run and charges Kou, firing. Kou throws some fireballs, but hasn't completed the chant, and as a bullet grazes his shoulder it's clear Gat's intent is to make sure he doesn't. Kougaiji leaps away, still praying, as Gat reloads, but the bullet barrage continues and he cusses, saying he can't finish the spell under such assault. ==In a quick flashback, we see Hazel discerning that the weakness of Kou's summoning attack is the amount of time it takes, and advising Gato to do just what he's doing. K'so, cusses Kou as he huddles behind a bullet-scarred boulder, pinned down by gunfire.==Yaone watches in distress as two of her three dearest ones face dire danger. The ikkou watch in dismay as well, Goku--bless him--worrying that Doku is in bad shape, Gojyo grimly saying that Kougaiji is taking too long and Hakkai observing that Kou can't mount an attack from such a position. But a second later, a fireball shatters the boulder he's hiding behind, and Kou springs forward to nail Gat with an old-fashioned sock to the jaw. =) Yaone, seeing the advantage, throws a handful of her smoke bombs, probably hoping Kou can get clear under their cover. But the one who comes flying at her is Hazel, who calls a friendly 'Howdy!' before landing a wicked kick to her head. Yaone shrieks as she's thrown tumbling into the dust; Kou howls her name (whoa!) and Gat, taking instant advantage of his distraction, puts a quick bullet into the prince. Kou falls backward, blood arcing from his chest, as both Yaone and Goku cry out his name in anguish. (...damn.)

At Houtou Castle, Lirin wakes from her nap and is surprised to find herself alone except for two barcoded youkai guards; she easily gives them the slip.

Back at the battle: Hazel and Gat walk toward the fallen Kougaiji. Yaone rushes them and takes a bullet; she hurls more spheres but Hazel heals Gat from their effect, chiding him to be more careful. He walks up to her as she huddles on the ground, asking if "little miss demon" is in pain, and assuring her that she and her friends will reach the end of their suffering real soon. Yaone grabs the hem of his robe; she's shaking from head to foot but she still gasps that she won't let him harm Lord Kougaiji. Hazel pulls free and walks away, saying "Gato," almost as an afterthought. Gat doesn't move. Hazel repeats his name twice more, more sharply each time, before the big native finally steps forward.(and oo, does Hazel not like that.)

Gato levels his pistol at the shivering woman at his feet, but doesn't pull the trigger..and still doesn't...and must be relieved when a gold-ended staff smacks the gun out of his hand. Teme'e-- you bastard-- snarls Goku, and Hazel smiles unpleasantly; you, he says. Behind him are Gojyo and Hakkai; Gojyo informs Hazel that he's a real asshole and Hakkai coldly adds "that's true." --As I thought, Hazel says, demons will help their own kind-- "Not even close," snaps the voice that brings up the rear. Hazel stares. Demon or human, says Sanzo, we're not going to stand by and watch a woman be treated this way--especially not this smut-for-brains kappa. [Gojyo gripes, but the point is made. =)=)] The ikkou stares down Hazel as one, and the little bishop sighs, saying that Sanzo-han is becoming quite a nuisance. [I'd bet you the next round that Hazel reckons Sanzo's unexpected gallantry is just a smokescreen for his pro-youkai sympathies.]

But while all the attention was elsewhere, Kougaiji-sama has managed to drag himself to his feet and continue with the chant, which is suddenly noticed by all of the -tachi and -ikkou members. He can't be, says Gojyo, but Yaone knows he damn well can be, and tells everyone to get out of the way right now. --As the firestorm rushes toward them, Gat orders Hazel to get behind him: Hazel activates the medallion, and as the fire pours around them Gat is literally burned to death and regenerated over and over --or that's my best guess, at least--while the SI and Yaone hide behind boulders to escape the blast.

But when the smoke clears, there's Gato, smoke-blackened but still with us, and Hazel behind him, unmarred. Hazel says 'don't push yourself'; Gat counters that he's fine but Hazel firmly tells him that he's not, and that without souls in stock Gat's life will end with another hit. He's not worth your life, Hazel says; and he walks off, Gat reluctantly following. Kou is outraged: wait! he shouts, but his way is blocked by Doku, somehow on his feet. Stop, Kou, I won't let you die here, says the big guy, holding his shoulders; please listen to me. He sinks to his knees, and Kou scoops him up and prepares to leave, Yaone running to his side.==Hazel, as he walks past the ikkou, remarks that Sanzo-han really ought to get around to gettin' rid of these demons soon. GG&H, as usual, glare, while Sanzo hides behind cigarette smoke; don't waste my time, the monk retorts. Hazel says "till next time" and departs.

And we see the Kou-tachi's riding-dragons arriving to take them home, as Kou and Yaone walk away with Doku in tow. Are you OK? asks Goku, running after them. Don't touch me, I don't want your help, snaps the prince. And they're gone.

We see the jeep back on the road: and Gojyo and Goku have turned their backs on the front seats, gazing out backways as they ride. [This has never, ever, happened before.] --I wonder if they're OK? worries Goku. Don't worry, that much damage wouldn't kill them, says Gojyo. Stop worrying about the enemy, says Sanzo, but Hakkai reassures the backseat that "they'll show up again as if nothing had happened", and Goku agrees.

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  • First Aired
    July 29, 2004
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language