Ep 17. Lucky Me
- TV-G
- August 5, 2007
- 22 min
Ruby Gloom is a Canadian animated television series that follows the adventures of Ruby, a young girl who lives in a spooky mansion along with her eccentric friends: Skull Boy, Iris, Misery, Poe, and Doom Kitty. The show is known for its unique style, dark humor, and positive messages.
In the seventeenth episode of the first season, titled "Lucky Me", Ruby wakes up to find a four-leaf clover on her pillow. She takes it as a sign of good luck and decides to share it with her friends, hoping it will bring them good things too.
As the gang starts their day, they all encounter things that go wrong. Skull Boy's paintbrush breaks, Iris spills her coffee, Poe's book falls apart, Misery loses her favorite sock, and Doom Kitty accidentally knocks over a vase. However, they all remain optimistic and hope that the luck of the four-leaf clover will turn their misfortunes around.
Ruby shares the clover with her friends, but they soon discover that the clover's luck is selective. While Ruby and Doom Kitty have a string of good luck, their friends continue to experience mishaps and accidents. Iris accidentally dyes her hair pink, Skull Boy's new painting falls apart, Poe's potion explodes, and Misery loses her other sock. Even though they experience bad luck, they all remain optimistic, hoping that things will turn around soon.
As the day progresses, Ruby and Doom Kitty continue to have good luck. They find money on the street, win a prize at a carnival, and even get a free meal at a restaurant. Meanwhile, their friends continue to have bad luck. Skull Boy breaks his glasses, Iris loses her keys, Poe's inventions backfire and Misery gets pricked by a cactus.
Ruby and Doom Kitty start to feel guilty for all the good things happening to them while their friends continue to have a rough day. They decide to give their good luck to their friends by sharing the four-leaf clover with them. However, the bad luck seems to be contagious and Ruby and Doom Kitty start experiencing misfortunes while their friends start experiencing good things.
As the day comes to an end, the gang realizes that it's not about luck, but about the way they approach life. Even though they experienced different levels of good and bad luck during the day, they all remain optimistic and find ways to enjoy themselves despite the obstacles. They conclude that the power of positive thinking is more important than luck, and that together, they can overcome any challenge.
In the end, they all share a meal together and talk about their adventures while enjoying the company of their friends. Ruby realizes that true luck is having friends like them, who support, love, and accept each other, no matter what happens. The episode ends on a positive note, with the friends going to bed grateful for all the good things that happened to them, and happy knowing that they have each other.