Rough or Smooth is an enthralling television adventure travel show aired on ReelAfrican from 2011 to 2012. The series is a quintessential blend of travel, leisure, and adventure, standing out with remarkable depictions of diverse landscapes, cultures, and lifestyle from all around the World. It is a leisurely tour which sees the hosts embark on breathtaking journeys to explore offbeat destinations and indulge in the distinctive cultures and culinary delights they encounter along the way. The show strikes a perfect balance, offering both armchair and passionate travelers an opportunity to explore unseen corners of the world.
The series, Rough or Smooth, revolves around two charismatic hosts, known for their contrasting yet complementary personalities. The pair's approach to travel is embodied in the show's title, with one choosing the
CastTerence BridgettPaul du Toit
Premiere DateJanuary 2, 2011
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