Rogue Heroes, a series airing on EPIX, is a thrilling six-part drama that chronicles the formation of the British special forces unit known as the SAS (Special Air Service) during World War II. Based on the novel of the same name written by Ben Macintyre, Rogue Heroes takes viewers on a journey through time, following a group of maverick soldiers as they are trained, molded and transformed into an elite fighting force, specializing in covert operations and sabotage.
The show is set against the backdrop of WWII and explores the experiences of the men who would go on to become some of the most skilled and daring soldiers in history. The events take place across the globe, from the deserts of North Africa to the snowy mountains of Norway, where the SAS operated behind enemy lines, undertaking vital missions such as disrupting supply lines, and conducting reconnaissance operations to gather intelligence. The series is a gripping depiction of the bravery, perseverance, and ingenuity of the men who risked everything to defend their country.
Rogue Heroes is a character-driven tale that is anchored by a group of diverse and compelling personalities. These include the officers who lead the SAS, Lieutenant Colonel Paddy Mayne (played superbly by Mark Stanley) and Major David Stirling (played by Toby Stephens), as well as a diverse cast of soldiers who come from all corners of the British Empire. Their backgrounds differ vastly, ranging from hardened street fighters to scholars, and their training under Stirling is far from conventional - it involves an unorthodox combination of physical exercises, team building exercises, and mental conditioning.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the series is the way in which it transports viewers back in time to the early days of the SAS's formation, and to the chaos and uncertainty of WWII. The show is beautifully shot, with breathtaking landscapes and meticulously designed sets that perfectly capture the mood of the era. The depiction of the harsh training conditions that the soldiers endured is particularly well-done, with the actors convincingly portraying the physical and emotional struggles that the recruits faced.
The show also effectively captures the moral ambiguity that often accompanies wartime operations, as the soldiers are forced to make tough decisions in order to achieve their objectives. This is highlighted in some of the show's most intense and thrilling moments, where the SAS carry out daring raids on enemy territory, such as the assault on a German airfield in North Africa, and the sabotage of a German train in Norway. These missions are fraught with danger, and the tension is palpable as the soldiers navigate treacherous terrain, face hostile enemies, and risk their lives in order to successfully complete their objectives.
Despite the high-stakes nature of the conflicts depicted, Rogue Heroes also shows that the SAS soldiers were not simply ruthless machines of war. The series takes the time to explore the personal relationships and struggles of the characters, as they grapple with loss, love, and the cost of their service. The series also draws attention to the prevailing social attitudes of the time, particularly towards women, and the treatment of colonial peoples, and this adds an extra layer of depth and complexity to the story.
Overall, Rogue Heroes is a thrilling, thought-provoking, and expertly crafted series that brings to life an important chapter of military history. The performances are uniformly excellent, particularly the lead actors, and the production values are top-notch. Whether you are a fan of historical dramas or simply looking for an entertaining and exciting new show, Rogue Heroes is definitely worth watching.
Rogue Heroes is a series that ran for 1 seasons (10 episodes) between and on EPIX
IMDB Rating8.1 (22,700)
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