Ep 3. Latin Male + Assertive Female = Danger
- July 21, 1997
We start with the Road Rulers on board the Coast Guard cutter Long Island. While manning the radar equipment, Kalle received a mayday message from a boater whose vessel had caught fire. Actually it's a drill, but why tell the cast and ruin the fun! Now the cutter is chugging towards the coordinates and it's rescue 911! Oscar and Erika jump into the life boat and Erika takes the wheel as they motor out to the drowning victim. Our Puerto Rican paramedic pulls the water-logged body into the boat as look-out helicopters roar overhead. Vince and Jake pull on their fire-fighting gear and grab one of the powerful hoses as Kalle directs the movement of their craft from the bridge. The boyz put out the fire as Erika and Oscar drag the charred and dazed victim onto the deck of the cutter. Oscar places the man's neck into a brace and assures him the danger has passed - you'll live. Whew! All in a days work... Later that afternoon, captain John calls a debriefing and it's all hands on deck. The captain congratulates the rulers on their performance - they have successfully completed their second mission! Jake explains that it was a good mission because it gave us a chance to jell. Vince reveals that he learned a lot about team work. Kalle exclaims, "I want to buy a CB radio for the winnie!" She just loved working the communications equipment. Now the captain hands over the next clue - sort of. It's a message written in Morse code. The roadies hanker down over the code book and after a few minutes, they've deciphered the message: "Meet Sheri at Wilma's patio on Balboa island." Jake wonders out loud, "maybe our trip has an islands theme." Hmm... Exhausted, the Road mates head back to the winnie, where they discover that the cow skull and horns have been stolen from the front grill. Back at the barracks, Jake and Oscar quickly agree they must take a hostage if their mascot is ever to be seen again. Jake and Oscar slip out into the main yard and their collective four eyes immediately lock onto a Coast Guard flag fluttering at the top of a while pole. That's it!! They dash to the pole and one, two, three - Oscar has the flag unhooked and shoved up his shirt. They dash back to their dorm room and fold the flag into a small bundle, cramming it into Jake's backpack. Moments later, the barracks commander storms into the room. He's not happy. He reminds the boyz, "you're guests here, and if the flag isn't returned you won't be able to sleep here tonight." Erika thunders into the room and demands that the boyz return the Coast Guard property. Oscar holds firm to his position - they return the horns, we return the flag. Erika reminds Oscar that this stunt effects all of them, and Erika does not want to get kicked off the base. But Oscar won't budge. Erika retreats to her own room, SLAMMING the door behind her. Yikes... The next morning, Kalle and Vince go for a stroll and hash out their opinions of the kidnapping. They decide they do not want to be perceived as snotty brats - we should return the flag. They return their opinion to Jake and our Philly cheese-ball gives right in - he can't say no to Kalle's too-blue eyes. Jake strolls back to the pole and hoists the flag. In the recreation room, Erika is chatting on the phone with her mom, who lives just an hour away from the base. Mom invites the kids to visit, and guess what - she just happens to be cooking a huge meal of chicken and lamb. That sure sounds good after those Coast Guard boxed sandwiches... All motor on over to Erika's mom's comfy pad. Gosh, something smells good - it's making me hungry. Kalle spends most of the evening chatting with Erika's mom. Later, she confesses that it was a very difficult night for her - emotionally. Kalle's own mother died recently, and witnessing the relationship between Erika and her mother really got to Kalle. Kalle and Jake go for a walk - just the two of them. Kalle wants to confess, but only to Jake. She spills it all - my mother is dead, I hate my step father, I've never lived with my father... I have no home to go home to. Jake wraps an arm around Kalle's shoulders and pulls her close, "I'm glad she felt she could talk to me." The seeds are growing... After a fabulous nights sleep in Erika's mom's fluffy beds, the Roadies pile into the winnie for the long drive to Balboa island. They stop for a quick lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Erika reminds Oscar that he must order from the cheaper, "special" menu because they don't have enough money to go hog-wild. Everyone scarfs to satisfaction. As all stand to leave, Oscar announces he will take his chop-sticks as a souvenir. Erika forbids him to do so - "we don't steal silverware in America." Oscar reminds her the chopsticks are woodware, but leaves them behind to avoid a confrontation. Gosh, she's a little touchy. Kalle privately ventures that the conflicts between Oscar and Erika will be constant and reccurring. Back in the Winnie, Oscar takes the wheel as Erika rides shotgun, calling out the directions. Woops - Oscar, you just missed a turn. Hey, Oscar - you missed the exit again. Now Oscar is giggling - he's just got no sense of direction and is laughing at himself. But Erika doesn't think it's funny. In fact, she's pissed. She leaps out of the passenger seat, refusing to navigate for someone who won't take her seriously and listen. Now Oscar is going it alone. He hits a puddle and reflexively slams on the breaks, sending his winnie-mates flying out of their seats. Erika screams, "that's it, it's not funny, pull over and let someone else drive!" Oscar obeys. Kalle takes the wheel and finds the way to a motor-home park where they can tie up, plug in, and spend the night. All huddle around the dining room table for a group discussion. Jake starts it off. He gently explains to Oscar that he is going to have to try to drive more carefully - he's really upsetting a lot of people. Oscar has no problem with that, and he appreciates the fact that Jake is speaking to him, not yelling at him "like an animal." Erika cuts in and tries to explain to Oscar why she was yelling at him - he was laughing at her when she was frightened. Oscar listens, but he keeps his eyes on the floor. Erika demands, "at least do me the courtesy of looking at me when I speak to you." Oscar quietly asks Erika, "must I look at you to hear you?" Erika is stunned speechless. Guess they won't be seeing eye-to-eye. Vince breaks the tension, suggesting they all scream as loud as they can to ease the memory of the fight. One, two, three - AHHHHHHH! Erika sighs, "I could have screamed longer." I'm sure of that..