Road Rules Season 4 Episode 12
Road Rules
Season 4

Ep 12. The Last Dance and a Slippery Romance

  • September 22, 1997

Our heroes make it through the night inside a volcano, and then head to Grenada. The mission: give advice for the lovelorn on a radio call-in show. The gang make a few friends, and a few enemies, before Jake's Dad calls and tells the kids to haul butt back to Philly. The Road Rulers pile into a waiting jet; destination Philadelphia. Erika reminds everyone we've had a fabulous seven weeks in the Caribbean, but enough is enough! Let's get back to the continent. En route, Jake whips out his laptop (that's a computer) and Kalle helps him create a college entrance essay. A smooth landing and Vince inhales crisp Philly air. No balmy breezes like Cayman, but that's OK. "It's cold and we're in America!" Land that I love... The tikes motor on over to Jake's parent's house. It's a kewl joint - an old warehouse turned into a funky living space. Of course, mom and pop are thrilled to see their young pup. Kalle is a little nervous as her potential-future-in-laws conduct a little prying; so what will you do when you move to New York, Kalle? Our blond Venus quietly explains that first she will get a job, then she will go to school in the fall. She further explains that she already has a place to live, thanks to her friend Nicki's apartment-scouting capabilities. Pops asks Jake, what are your plans son? Jake drops the bomb, I'm moving to New York too! Now that's a new development... After a hearty dinner, Jake escorts his road mates on a whirl wind tour of the streets of Philadelphia. Is that Bruce Springsteen singing in the background? Suddenly it starts to snow. Oscar freezes in his little Puerto Rican tracks. Our surfer dude has never seen the white stuff. He's slack-jawed, just soaking up the flakes in awe. Walking in a winter wonderland... Next morning, mom whips up another hearty meal as dad hands over the next clue - you will audition for the New York Knicks. Wish I was a little bit taller, wish I was a baller... The boyz are thrilled, as all three of them are big hoops fans. Kalle is thrilled to be heading for the big apple - she'll be able to check out her new pad. Erika is less than excited, to say the least. Basketball holds no Magic for her (did you get that?). Kalle jumps on the phone and confesses to Nicki "I'm having a nervous breakdown!" Kalle explains that she feels she is betraying Brian's mother by spending quality time with Jake's mother. She reveals she has written Brian a letter, explaining to him that she is now happy with Jake and wants to find herself - basically: we're finished Brian! Now it's a choo-choo train into The City that Never Sleeps. Then taxi over to Madison Square Garden and it's greetings from PETRA, the coach of the Knicks City Dancers. Did she say dancers? That's right. You're not towel boys, you're auditioning to be on the half-time dance team! Erika and Kalle are excited. The boyz dreams of court-side thrills evaporate. Sorry folks, that's the way the ball bounces... Petra escorts the Rulers to a dance studio on the other side of the town. In a large rehearsal room, the real dancers are introduced to the cast. Let's just say it - these girls are HOT, with those perfectly toned dancer bods. The girls perform the entire number as the Roadmates watch in awe. This looks hard. Vince, especially, is very intimidated by the agility required to perform the piece. Now it's your turn. The girls show the cast members the moves and all rehearse together. Vince calls for a time-out and conference with his travel mates. Guess what, I QUIT. Vince is outa there, claiming he feels stupid. The roadies offer their blessings, but Jake confesses he believes Vince is just copping out. Vince disappears into the clogged streets of New York as the others continue pounding out the moves. After a long day of pulling every possible muscle, Petra calls a meeting. "You've all done a great job, but Erika is the only one who might make it. She will rehearse all day tomorrow and the rest of you will run STATS during the game." Wow! Next morning, as her buddies lay snoring obnoxiously, Erika showers, primps, and slips into a taxi for a quick ride over to the dance studio. She spends the day hoofin' it like a pro. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Jake and Kalle pop into Eugene Lang College to drop off the essay Kalle wrote for Jake. Er, that Kalle helped Jake write. Later in the afternoon, all the Roaders meet up at Madison Square Garden. Erika explains that she still has to audition once more - this time in the stadium with the other dancers and without the aid of mirrors. Yikes. Petra escorts everyone to the dressing room. Kalle and Erika move into a changing area for a private girl-conference. Erika starts to cry, "I feel like an idiot, I just know I'll fail." Kalle suggests that Erika bow out now. Erika refuses. The show must go on. In the big room, in front of 20,000 empty seats, Erika performs the number with the other dancers. She does pretty damn good! Everyone claps there heads off. Petra slowly steps to Erika and hugs her tightly - if you had two more days to practice you would be perfect. Erika is practically relieved to find she will not have to perform in front of the crowd. And yet, she quickly runs back to the dressing room and locks herself into a bathroom stall for a good cry. What an emotional day... Jake and Kalle crowd into the bathroom and try to convince Erika she should feel proud. Erika pulls herself together and everyone moves back to the stadium to enjoy the game. At half time, Erika and Vince notice a clue that is digitally displayed on the giant score board hanging from the ceiling. A real-life soap meets a long-lived soap in Pine Valley USA - Check your local soap for details. After the game, Petra pulls the pack aside and congratulates all for hanging in there. She hands out some cash, with an extra hundred bucks going to Erika for going the extra mile. Oh sorry Vince, you get nothing because you quit. Ouch, that smarts..

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  • First Aired
    September 22, 1997
  • Language