Rise Of The Clans

Watch Rise Of The Clans

  • TV-14
  • 2018
  • 1 Season
  • 7.5  (120)

Rise of the Clans is a six-part historical documentary series produced by BBC Scotland and first broadcasted in 2018. The show is an exploration of Scottish history through the lens of the powerful families that rose to prominence during the Middle Ages. The host of the show, Neil Oliver, travels through Scotland and shares the fascinating stories of these clans and their impact on the country’s history.

Each episode of Rise of the Clans focuses on a particular clan, starting with the MacGregors and ending with the Stewarts. Throughout the series, Oliver provides insightful commentary on the social, economic, and political context in which these clans operated. He draws on a wealth of historical sources, ranging from medieval texts to modern-day research, to paint a vivid picture of life in Scotland during this turbulent period.

One of the standout features of Rise of the Clans is the way in which it brings the stories of the clans to life. The show makes abundant use of dramatizations, which are seamlessly woven into the narrative. These dramatizations are not only visually stunning, but also help to convey the emotions and motivations of the historical figures being portrayed. For example, in one scene, we see the MacGregors feuding with the Colquhouns, culminating in a violent encounter that sets the stage for the rest of the episode.

Another strength of the show is the way in which it explores the themes of loyalty and betrayal. Many of the clans featured in the series had complicated relationships with one another, often shifting allegiances depending on the circumstances. This made for a fluid political landscape that is both fascinating and difficult to navigate. At the core of these relationships are the bonds of family and kinship, which are explored in detail throughout the series.

The show’s visuals are also a highlight. Rise of the Clans takes advantage of Scotland’s stunning natural landscape, showcasing it in all its rugged beauty. Shots of mountains, glens, and lochs are juxtaposed with images of castle ruins and other historical sites. The result is a visually stunning tapestry that showcases Scotland’s rich heritage.

Alongside Oliver, the show features several other experts in Scottish history, including historian Darren Mitchell and archaeologist Hannah Young. Their contributions help to round out the picture and provide additional context for the events being discussed. Mitchell, in particular, brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, often focusing on the political machinations that drove the clans’ actions. Young, meanwhile, focuses on the material culture of the clans, giving viewers a glimpse into their everyday lives.

Despite the show’s focus on clans, Rise of the Clans is ultimately a story about Scotland’s emergence as a nation. Through the lens of these clans, we see how Scotland evolved from a collection of disparate groups to a unified entity, a process that was often bloody and contentious. The show does an excellent job of highlighting the key figures and events that shaped Scotland’s history, from William Wallace and Robert the Bruce to the Jacobite Rebellions and the Union of the Crowns.

Overall, Rise of the Clans is a compelling and engaging historical documentary series that will appeal to anyone interested in Scottish history. The show’s focus on clans adds a personal and emotional dimension to the story, while its visuals and expert commentary make for a rich and immersive viewing experience. Whether you’re a history buff or simply interested in learning more about Scotland, Rise of the Clans is well worth your time.

Rise Of The Clans is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (6 episodes). The series first aired on July 25, 2018.

Rise Of The Clans
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3. A Queen Betrayed
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A Queen Betrayed
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Neil Oliver reveals how the clans plotted against Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, ultimately leading to the beheading of the most charismatic queen in Scottish history. The tale turns on a brother's plot to overthrow his sister in a ruthless bid for power. James Stewart, Earl of Moray, uses clan power to first control and then rid Scotland of his sister Mary. As she battles conspiracies, plots and counterplots, Mary is trapped in the cruel and tumultuous world of clan blood feuds. After they murder her husband Lord Darnley and Mary flees into the arms of the Earl of Bothwell, the most ruthless of Scotland's clan chiefs, civil war breaks out. Mary escapes to England, never to return again.
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Brothers at War
2. Brothers at War
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Neil Oliver follows the rise of Clan Stewart to become Scotland's Royal Dynasty. It's the blood soaked tale of a bitter family feud. In a vicious contest, using clan power to plot, manoeuvre and murder their way to power, the story culminates with the dramatic assassination of King James I below a tennis court in Perth, 1437. Neil traces this family feud through clan combat, royal romances and spectacular Renaissance courts to the brutal torture and execution of the last rival Stewart, Walter Atholl, when the king's widowed Queen Joan wreaks a terrible revenge for his treachery.
The Bruce Supremacy
1. The Bruce Supremacy
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Neil Oliver travels back in time to reveal the real life Game of Thrones - the story of Scotland's ancient clans. A blood-soaked saga of battles and feuds, loyalty and betrayal, love and death set against the country's wild mountains and glens. In this first episode, Neil follows the clans as they rallied behind Robert the Bruce in his against-all-odds bid to win Scotland's crown. After their crucial role in crushing the English at Bannockburn in 1314, Bruce rewarded the loyal chiefs with land and titles. They rise to shape the fate of kingdom in the centuries to come.
The Bruce Supremacy
1. The Bruce Supremacy
July 25, 2018
Neil Oliver travels back in time to reveal the real life Game of Thrones - the story of Scotland's ancient clans. A blood-soaked saga of battles and feuds, loyalty and betrayal, love and death set against the country's wild mountains and glens. In this first episode, Neil follows the clans as they rallied behind Robert the Bruce in his against-all-odds bid to win Scotland's crown. After their crucial role in crushing the English at Bannockburn in 1314, Bruce rewarded the loyal chiefs with land and titles. They rise to shape the fate of kingdom in the centuries to come.
Where to Watch Rise Of The Clans
Rise Of The Clans is available for streaming on the BBC Scotland website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Rise Of The Clans on demand at Amazon, Google Play and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    July 25, 2018
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (120)