
Watch Retro/Active

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

Retro/Active is a web series produced by Great Big Story that explores the world of vintage video game collecting. The show, which is hosted by Dan Casey, offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the obsessive world of retro gaming enthusiasts. Each episode of Retro/Active focuses on a different collector and their unique collection. From vintage arcade machines to classic home consoles, the show covers all aspects of retro gaming culture. Viewers get to see the impressive collections of these passionate collectors, as well as get a taste for the games they love.

One of the standout features of the show is the stunning production value. The cinematography is beautifully shot, and the editing is top-notch. The music is also a standout feature, with a retro-inspired soundtrack that perfectly captures the essence of the show.

But what really sets Retro/Active apart is its focus on the human side of retro gaming. Each episode features interviews with collectors who talk about their love for gaming and the memories they have associated with the games they collect. Many collectors describe how gaming has been a lifelong passion for them, and how it has helped them connect with others who share their love for retro gaming.

One episode of Retro/Active features the collection of JJ Hendricks, a collector who owns over 40 arcade machines. Hendricks talks about how he first became interested in arcade gaming in the early 90s and describes how he built his impressive collection over the years. He also talks about how arcade gaming has helped him connect with others in the retro gaming community and how he enjoys sharing his collection with others.

Another standout episode features the collection of Adam Bashian, a collector who focuses on classic home consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Genesis. Bashian talks about how these consoles are more than just gaming systems to him – they represent a time in his life when he was young and carefree. Bashian also talks about how collecting these classic consoles has helped him connect with his children, who are also passionate about retro gaming.

Retro/Active is also notable for its focus on the history of gaming. With each episode, viewers get a chance to learn about the origins of some of their favorite games and consoles. For example, one episode focuses on the history of the Atari 2600, the console that helped popularize home gaming in the late 70s and early 80s. Viewers get to see rare photos and footage from the early days of home gaming, as well as hear from experts who talk about the impact the Atari 2600 had on the gaming industry.

Overall, Retro/Active is a must-watch for anyone who loves retro gaming or is interested in the history of gaming. The show is both informative and entertaining, with stunning production values and a focus on the human side of retro gaming. Whether you’re a collector yourself or simply have fond memories of playing classic games with friends and family, Retro/Active is a show that is sure to delight and inspire.

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  • Premiere Date
    July 30, 2018