Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly Season 17 Episode 5

Ep 5. Vietnam Trafficking Activist; Endangered Churches

  • June 19, 2014

In the fifth episode of season 17 of Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, viewers are introduced to a Vietnamese activist working tirelessly to combat human trafficking. The segment delves into the complexities of trafficking in Vietnam, where many individuals are tricked into leaving their homes with promises of work, education, or marriage, only to find themselves in various forms of servitude.

The activist featured in the episode has dedicated her life to rescuing victims of trafficking and helping them to rebuild their lives. She also works to raise awareness about the issue and to push for stronger legal protections for victims. Through interviews and footage of her work, viewers are given an inside look at the challenges and triumphs of anti-trafficking efforts in Vietnam.

The second segment of the episode focuses on the challenges facing endangered churches in the United States. The segment begins by explaining the history of church closures in the US, which has been on the rise in recent years. The reasons for these closures range from changing demographics and declining membership to financial struggles and a lack of resources.

The episode then shows how some communities are fighting back to save their churches. Viewers are taken to a small town in Minnesota where residents are working to save their historic church building by turning it into a community center. The segment highlights the important role that churches often play in communities and the sense of loss that can be felt when they are closed.

Overall, this episode tackles two very different topics - human trafficking in Vietnam and church closures in the US - yet both are linked by a sense of injustice and a desire to fight back against daunting odds. Viewers will likely come away with a deeper understanding of the challenges facing these two important causes and the tireless activists and volunteers who are working to make a difference.

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Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, Season 17 Episode 5, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS video. You can also stream, download Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    June 19, 2014
  • Language