Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly Season 17 Episode 4

Ep 4. Religious Outreach to Veterans; Dhammakaya; Upanayanam

  • June 12, 2014

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 episode 4 explores the theme of religious outreach and its impact on different groups.

The first segment of the episode brings attention to the work being done by faith communities to help veterans. Religious Outreach to Veterans looks at how religious organizations are stepping up to address the spiritual needs of veterans and their families. From worship services to counseling, faith communities are working to provide resources and support to those who have served. The segment highlights the important role that faith can play in the healing process for veterans.

The second segment of the episode focuses on the Dhammakaya temple in Thailand. Dhammakaya is a Buddhist temple that has grown to become one of the largest in the world. The segment explores the history and teachings of the temple, as well as the controversy around its current leadership. The temple has faced accusations of corruption and illegal activity, which has led to calls for reform. Despite the controversy, the temple continues to attract visitors from around the world who are drawn to its teachings.

The final segment of the episode looks at the Hindu tradition of Upanayanam. Upanayanam is a coming-of-age ceremony that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood for Hindu boys. The ceremony involves a sacred thread being tied around the boy's wrist, symbolizing his commitment to spiritual pursuits. The segment explores the significance of the ceremony and its place in contemporary Hindu culture. It also looks at how the ceremony has been adapted by Hindu communities in the United States and other parts of the world.

Overall, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 episode 4 offers a diverse range of perspectives on the theme of religious outreach. From the work being done to support veterans to the controversies surrounding a major Buddhist temple to the importance of cultural traditions like Upanayanam, the episode offers insights into the ways in which faith communities are engaging with their respective communities.

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Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, Season 17 Episode 4, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS video. You can also stream, download Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    June 12, 2014
  • Language