Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly Season 17 Episode 3

Ep 3. Bloodless Surgery; Poet Christian Wiman; Shavuot

  • June 5, 2014

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 episode 3 explores three different aspects of faith and spirituality. First, the show looks at the growing trend of bloodless surgery, which is a surgical approach that avoids using blood transfusions. This practice has become popular among Jehovah's Witnesses and others who oppose blood transfusions for religious or personal reasons. The episode features interviews with doctors, patients, and religious leaders who discuss the benefits and challenges of bloodless surgery, and the ethical questions it raises.

Next, the episode profiles poet Christian Wiman, who has written extensively about his experience with cancer and his ongoing spiritual journey. Wiman, who was raised in a Baptist family but later became an agnostic, has found renewal and inspiration in the writings of mystics and theologians from various traditions. The show features readings from Wiman's poetry and interviews with him about how his illness has affected his faith and his art.

Finally, the episode explores the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. The show features interviews with rabbis and Jewish educators who explain the significance of the holiday and discuss its customs and traditions, such as staying up all night to study Torah and eating dairy foods. The episode also explores the contemporary relevance of Shavuot and its values of learning, reflection, and commitment to community.

Overall, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 episode 3 offers a thoughtful and informative look at diverse expressions of faith and spirituality, spanning medical ethics, poetry, and religious observance. Through interviews and profiles, the show invites viewers to consider how faith can inspire and challenge us in unexpected ways, and how it can help us find meaning and purpose in the face of life's challenges.

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Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, Season 17 Episode 3, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS video. You can also stream, download Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    June 5, 2014
  • Language