Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly Season 17 Episode 2

Ep 2. Pope Trip Report; Pakistan Polio Campaign; Mormon Missions

  • May 29, 2014

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 episode 2 features a variety of stories highlighting the intersection of religion and ethics in current events from around the world. The first segment of the episode focuses on Pope Francis's trip to the United States, where he visited Washington D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. The show provides a detailed report on the Pope's visit, reflecting on his messages, speeches, and interactions with various religious leaders and politicians.

The second segment of the episode covers the ongoing polio eradication campaign in Pakistan and the numerous challenges it faces due to religious and cultural beliefs. The report discusses how misinformation and rumors have spread through some areas, leading to refusals to vaccinate some children. The show explores the role of religious leaders in these communities in promoting vaccination, and the challenges faced by health workers in their efforts to eradicate the disease.

The final segment of the episode focuses on the Latter-day Saint (LDS) Church's missionary program, which sends tens of thousands of young people around the world to spread their religion. The show explores what it's like to be a Mormon missionary, including the intense training they receive before they are sent on their missions. The report provides insights into the lives of these young people as they navigate unfamiliar cultures and languages, and experience the challenges and joys of interacting with people from around the world.

Overall, episode two of Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly season 17 is a thought-provoking and informative episode as it covers three distinct and significant topics related to religion and ethics. The episode provides a comprehensive report on the Pope's visit to the United States, exploring his messages of love, hope, and social responsibility. It also provides insight into the challenges faced by health workers in Pakistan as they work to eradicate polio, and the role of religious leaders in promoting vaccination in communities with long-standing cultural beliefs. Finally, the episode offers a unique perspective on the life of Mormon missionaries, providing viewers with a better understanding of the missionary program and the individuals who participate in it.

Watch Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly - Pope Trip Report; Pakistan Polio Campaign; Mormon Missions (s17 e2) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, Season 17 Episode 2, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS video. You can also stream, download Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    May 29, 2014
  • Language