Watch Reideen
- 1969
- 1 Season
7.2 (41)
Reideen is a mecha anime series that premiered in 2007 on WOWOW. It follows the story of Junki Saiga, a high school student who discovers a mysterious object that transforms into a powerful mecha called Reideen. The series is set in Tokyo, where strange occurrences begin to take place after the discovery of the object. Junki soon finds himself involved in a battle against a mysterious organization known as the Dark Continent, who seek to use the power of Reideen for their own gain.
Reideen itself is a unique mecha, with the ability to transform into various forms depending on the situation. It is powered by a mysterious energy source called prana, which is also the key to unlocking its true potential.
Junki is aided in his quest by a group of friends, including his classmate Akira, who is also his love interest, and a mysterious girl named Hishou who has a connection to both Reideen and the Dark Continent. Together, they must battle against powerful enemies and unravel the secrets of the mecha's origin and purpose.
The series features a variety of action-packed battles, with Reideen taking on various foes, including other mecha and massive monsters. The battles are well-animated and full of intense, high-speed action.
In addition to the action, the series also explores deeper themes such as identity, destiny, and the responsibility that comes with great power. As Junki discovers more about Reideen and his own connection to it, he must come to terms with his role in the ongoing conflict and what it means for his own future.
The voice cast for Reideen is also impressive, with Shozo Iizuka playing the role of Junki's grandfather, who acts as a mentor and guide to him throughout the series. Shinichiro Miki, Keiji Fujiwara, Sayuri, and Saeko Chiba all lend their talents as well, bringing to life a cast of diverse and memorable characters.
Overall, Reideen is a well-executed mecha anime that offers plenty of thrilling action and a compelling storyline. Its themes and characters are well-developed, and the animation is top-notch. Fans of the genre will not want to miss this exciting series.
Reideen is a series that ran for 1 seasons (26 episodes) between and on WOWOW