Ep 3. Catlantic City
- January 29, 2019
Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty is an animated show that follows the adventures of Felicity, a magical kitty with all the powers of a rainbow, butterfly, unicorn, and of course a kitty. In season 1 episode 3, named Catlantic City, Felicity and her friends head to the beach for some fun in the sun.
The episode opens with Felicity and her friends eating ice cream at the beach. They notice that the beach is dirty and decide to clean it up. However, they quickly realize that they are not strong enough to pick up all the litter and debris. In order to solve this problem, Felicity transforms into her unicorn form and uses her horn to magically clean up the beach.
As Felicity and her friends continue to enjoy their day at the beach, they notice that something strange is happening. The water is starting to turn a strange color and it seems to be getting thicker. Before they know it, the beach is completely covered in a thick, gooey substance. Felicity and her friends quickly realize that they must find out what is causing the pollution and put a stop to it.
They start by following the trail of the strange substance, which leads them to a nearby casino called Catlantic City. Once inside, they realize that the casino is the source of the pollution. The owner of the casino is dumping toxic waste into the ocean in order to keep the tourists away from the beach and in his casino.
Felicity and her friends come up with a plan to stop the pollution. They create a distraction outside the casino to draw the owner’s attention away, while Felicity sneaks inside to shut down the machines that are dumping the waste into the ocean. The plan works and the pollution stops.
The episode ends with Felicity and her friends enjoying a clean beach and the owner of the casino being punished for his actions. Felicity reminds everyone that it is important to take care of the environment and to always do the right thing.
Overall, season 1 episode 3 of Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, Catlantic City, teaches viewers about the importance of environmentalism and standing up for what is right.