Ep 20. Meanotaur
- March 9, 2019
Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty is an American animated series that revolves around a cat named Felicity who possesses magical powers. The show is targeted at children aged 6-11 and is produced by the company, Funrise. Each episode of the show is a hilarious adventure that involves Felicity and her quirky friends who explore their world filled with strange creatures and magic.
In the season 1 episode 20 of Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, titled "Meanotaur," Felicity and her friends find themselves transported to a new and strange world where they are in constant peril from a creature known as the Meanotaur. This exciting episode sees the main character and her friends trying to outsmart the Meanotaur and trying to find a way back to their world.
The episode begins with Felicity and her friends stretching their legs with a nice hike. They are in a good mood, enjoying the scenery and the sun when they stumble across a strange cave. They are excited to explore the cave and see where it leads. However, what they find inside the cave is not what they expected.
The cave transports them to a magical world filled with rainbow-colored forests, glittering mountains, and mythical creatures. At first, Felicity and her friends are thrilled to be in such a wondrous place, but their excitement quickly turns to terror when they realize that they are being pursued by a giant Minotaur-like creature.
The Meanotaur is a creature that is part Minotaur and part Meanie, and it is relentless in its pursuit of Felicity and her friends. The creature is determined to make their lives miserable, and it is up to the group to outsmart the Meanotaur and find a way back to their world.
Felicity, Miguel, Athena, and Yana take refuge in a cave they find on the outskirts of the rainbow forest. They quickly realize that they need to find a way to defeat the Meanotaur before they can safely return home. The group puts their heads together and comes up with a plan to trap the Meanotaur using its own love for completing challenges.
Felicity, Athena, and Yana set about creating a series of puzzles and challenges that the Meanotaur cannot resist. Meanwhile, Miguel takes on the Meanotaur in a one-on-one showdown that will determine their fate in this magical world.
The episode is full of exciting twists and turns as Felicity and her friends work together to trap the Meanotaur and outsmart its every move. The group learns to work together as a team and use their individual strengths to overcome adversity. With hilarious jokes and entertaining action, this episode is sure to keep kids entertained from start to finish.
Overall, the "Meanotaur" chapter of Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty is a fun and entertaining episode that is perfect for children who love adventure and magic. The show is a fun mix of comedy, action, and magic, with relatable characters that children can easily connect with. The "Meanotaur" episode is a fantastic addition to the series, and children will love the fun-filled adventure that Felicity and her friends embark on.