Watch Rags to Riches
- Not Rated
- 1987
- 2 Seasons
7.5 (295)
Rags to Riches is a musical comedy-drama series that aired on NBC from 1987 to 1988. The show follows the adventures of a wealthy businessman named Nick Foley, played by Joseph Bologna, who becomes the guardian of six orphaned girls after their wealthy father dies. The girls are named Rose, Diane, Marva, Patty Ann, Mickey, and Tisha, and they are played by Heidi Zeigler, Kimiko Gelman, Heather McAdam, Sarah Buxton, Bridget Michele, and Tisha Campbell-Martin, respectively.
The show is set in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and it features a lot of the popular music of that era. The girls are all talented singers and dancers, and Nick realizes that they could be the perfect musical act to promote his company's products. He hires a manager named Howard Deutch, played by Douglas Seale, to help with the girls' singing and dancing, and he also strikes a deal with a record company to produce their music.
The series is essentially a rags-to-riches story, as the girls go from being orphans living in a group home to becoming wealthy pop stars. Along the way, they face a variety of challenges, including rival pop groups, jealous boyfriends, and conflicts within their own group. However, they always manage to overcome these challenges with the help of Nick, Howard, and their own determination.
One of the main themes of the show is the idea of family. The girls are all very different from each other, but they learn to work together and support each other as they navigate their new lives. They also form a close bond with Nick, who becomes a father figure to them. Over the course of the series, the characters grow and change, and they learn important lessons about love, friendship, and responsibility.
Another important theme is the idea of following your dreams. The girls all have different aspirations, but they all share a love for music and performing. By working hard and staying true to themselves, they are able to achieve their goals and become successful. The show emphasizes the idea that anyone can achieve success if they work hard and stay true to themselves.
Rags to Riches was a somewhat unique show for its time, as it combined elements of musical theater with the traditional sitcom format. The show featured elaborate song and dance numbers, as well as more traditional sitcom storylines. The combination of these elements made for a fun and engaging viewing experience.
Overall, Rags to Riches was a fun and heartwarming show that offered a unique blend of musical theater and sitcom. The talented cast and catchy songs made it a joy to watch, and the themes of family and following your dreams resonated with audiences. While the show only ran for two seasons, it has gained a cult following over the years and remains a beloved classic of 80s television.