Watch Puppy School
- 1969
Puppy School is a heartwarming and informative television program that follows the journey of young puppies and their owners as they embark on a four-week training program to teach basic obedience and socialization. The show is hosted by renowned dog behaviorist and trainer, Christina Oxtoby, who runs the Puppy School franchise across the UK. Each episode features a new group of puppies that are brought in along with their enthusiastic owners who are eager to learn how to better communicate with their furry friends.
The program provides an in-depth look into the world of dog training, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of how to train their puppies using positive reinforcement.
Throughout the series, Oxtoby covers a variety of topics including leash training, recall, sit, stay, and other essential obedience commands. She also covers important socialization techniques including getting your puppy used to other dogs, people, and new environments.
One unique aspect of Puppy School is that it focuses on building a bond between the owner and their new furry companion, rather than simply modifying the dog's behavior. The program highlights the importance of patience, consistency, and understanding between the owner and the puppy.
The show is filmed in an inviting and colorful setting, with the puppies playing and interacting with each other and other dogs in a controlled environment. The calming and friendly atmosphere helps put the puppies at ease, making it easier for them to learn and follow commands.
As the series progresses, viewers get to watch the puppies grow and develop their skills under the guidance of Oxtoby. Each episode culminates in a test where the puppies showcase what they have learned over the four-week period.
One of the unique aspects of the show is that it features a diverse range of breeds, ages, and personalities. Viewers get to see the different approaches that Oxtoby uses to train the puppies, as she tailors each session to meet the individual needs of each puppy.
In addition to the training aspect of the show, Puppy School also provides valuable insights into the world of dog care. Oxtoby covers topics such as nutrition, exercise, grooming, and health checks, offering viewers helpful tips and advice on how to keep their furry friends happy and healthy.
Overall, Puppy School is an exceptional program that provides viewers with an engaging and practical guide on how to train and care for their puppies. From the friendly and knowledgeable host to the adorable furry stars, this show is a must-watch for anyone with a new puppy in their life.