Puffin Rock Season 2 Episode 23
Puffin Rock
Season 2

Ep 23. A Day Out

  • August 23, 2017
  • 7 min

Puffin Rock season 2 episode 23, titled "A Day Out," follows a day in the life of the adorable puffin family, the Oona, Baba, and Mossy. The episode takes place on a sunny day on the Irish coast, where the family decides to take a day out of their busy schedule to explore the beauty that surrounds them.

The episode begins with Oona, Baba, and Mossy waking up early in the morning, ready to embark on their day out. Oona, the oldest puffin sibling, takes charge of the plan and decides to show her younger brother and sister some of the most beautiful spots on the island. The puffins set out on their adventure, crossing the meadows and cliffs, and meeting new creatures along the way.

Their first stop is at the rock pools, where they meet Sammy, the crab. Sammy is trying to find his way back to the sea, but he is afraid of the seagulls that are hovering overhead. Oona offers to help him out and uses her wings to shield Sammy from the seagulls. Baba and Mossy are fascinated by the different sea creatures they find in the rock pools, and Oona teaches them about the different types of crabs, starfish, and anemones that live in the water.

After leaving the rock pools, the family decides to have a picnic in a quiet corner of the meadow. Baba and Mossy are very excited, and they help Oona pack a delicious lunch of sandwiches, fruits, and cookies. While enjoying their meal, Baba points out a nearby hill and asks Oona if they can climb to the top. Oona is hesitant at first, as the hill is quite steep, but Baba and Mossy convince her to give it a try.

The climb is tough, but the puffin family is determined to reach the top. They stop to catch their breath and admire the view every once in a while. Baba and Mossy need more breaks than Oona, but they continue to encourage each other, and eventually, they make it to the top of the hill. The view from the top is breathtaking, and the puffins can see the entire island from there.

As they start to make their way back down, they come across Conor, the sheep. Conor is lost and is desperately trying to find his way back to his flock. Oona, Baba, and Mossy decide to help him, and they use their puffin skills to guide him back to his herd. Conor is very grateful and invites the puffins to join him and his friends for a game of tag. Baba and Mossy are thrilled, and they quickly make new animal friends.

The episode ends with the puffin family returning home, tired but happy after a day of adventure. They thank each other for making the day so memorable, and Oona promises to plan many more day outs in the future. Baba and Mossy are already looking forward to their next adventure and can't wait to see what Oona has in store for them.

Overall, Puffin Rock season 2 episode 23, "A Day Out," is a heartwarming and educational episode that explores the beauty of nature and the importance of family and friendship. The episode is suitable for children of all ages, and the colorful animation and lovable characters are sure to keep young viewers engaged and entertained.

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  • First Aired
    August 23, 2017
  • Runtime
    7 min
  • Language