Watch Powerhouse
- 2011
- 2 Seasons
6.8 (25)
The television series Powerhouse is an animated television series that focuses on the life of three characters by the names of Tim, Rick, and Peter. These three outrageous characters have run ins with a wide variety of adult based troubles as they quest search for new ways to have fun, get into some action, making money, and going out on dates.
However, one day Tim and Peter accidently eat some space aliens that they mistook for Doritos due to their misleading Dorito shape. Once they eat these space aliens, they gain amazing super powers. However, poor Rich is left out because they ate all the aliens before he could get any. When three girls eat some Dorito shaped aliens themselves, their worlds collide and lead them on unbelievable and wild antics between the groups.
Powerhouse is a series that ran for 2 seasons (18 episodes) between December 2, 2011 and on Maker Studios