Power Rangers Season 7 Episode 12
Power Rangers
Season 7

Ep 12. Orion Rising

  • TV-Y7-FV
  • May 1, 1999

The Power Rangers are back and in their 7th season, ready to take on new challenges and save the world from evil forces. In this episode titled "Orion Rising," the team faces a new threat in the form of a powerful monster named Orion.

The episode begins with the Power Rangers training and preparing for battle against an unknown enemy. Suddenly, they receive a distress signal from their ally Alpha 6, who informs them of an attack by an intergalactic warrior named Orion. The Rangers quickly spring into action, jumping into their Zords and heading towards the battle.

Upon arriving, the Rangers find themselves outnumbered and outmatched by Orion, who possesses incredible strength and advanced technology. They quickly realize that their usual tactics are not enough to take down this powerful foe.

As they continue to fight, one of the Rangers, Ashley, comes up with a plan to take down Orion by using a decoy to distract him while they attack from behind. The plan works, and they are able to damage Orion's armor.

However, to their surprise, Orion reveals that he is actually a good guy who has been sent to Earth to protect it from an even greater threat. He explains that a powerful villain named Dark Specter is on his way to Earth with the intent of destroying it, and that he needs their help to stop him.

Despite their initial mistrust, the Rangers eventually agree to team up with Orion and work towards stopping Dark Specter. Together, they devise a plan to take down Dark Specter's army and prevent him from invading Earth.

As they prepare for battle, tensions rise within the team. Cassie and Carlos become concerned about the risks they are taking and whether they will be able to defeat such a powerful enemy. Meanwhile, Ashley and T.J. become frustrated with their teammates' doubts and push them to stay focused.

The episode culminates in an epic battle between the forces of good and evil, as the Power Rangers and Orion face off against Dark Specter's army. It is a fierce battle, with both sides taking heavy casualties.

In the end, the Power Rangers emerge victorious but at a great cost. They mourn the loss of their fallen allies, but are grateful for the opportunity to have fought for a cause greater than themselves.

As the episode comes to a close, the Power Rangers look towards the future, knowing that there will always be new threats to face and challenges to overcome. But they are ready, willing, and able to do whatever it takes to protect the world that they love.

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  • First Aired
    May 1, 1999
  • Content Rating
  • Language