Power Rangers
Season 4
Ep 32. Revelations of Gold (6)
- October 3, 1996
Due to the risks that they pose, new Zords are kept secret from the Rangers. But when a monster attacks with an energy beam that also harms the Zeo Megazord, the Rangers are left with little choice but to unveil one of the hidden Zords. The Gold Ranger reveals a Zord which he alone can pilot, the Pyramidas. As he uses the new Zord to fend off the monster, the other Rangers learn more about the Gold Ranger's past. They discover his link to an ancient civilization that entrusted him with the power of the Zeo Crystal so that he could fight for justice. Meanwhile, Rito and Goldar set their sights on the Pyramidas in an attempt to steal its power. Can the Rangers fend off the enemy's attack and protect their newest weapon?