Ep 39. Attack of the 60' Bulk
- February 10, 1996
As the Power Rangers battle the forces of evil yet again, they encounter a brand new foe: the 60' Bulk. This giant version of the lovable but somewhat hapless Bulk from previous seasons is causing havoc all over town, and it's up to the Rangers to stop him before he causes any more damage.
The episode begins with the Rangers enjoying a beautiful day in the park. Tommy and Kimberly are on a date, while the others are enjoying a game of Frisbee. Suddenly, they hear a loud crashing noise, and when they turn around, they see the 60' Bulk emerging from a nearby building.
The Rangers quickly morph into action, but they quickly realize that their usual tactics won't work against such a massive opponent. They try using their weapons and Megazord, but nothing seems to faze the giant Bulk.
Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Zordon and Alpha 5 are trying to figure out how to stop the 60' Bulk. Alpha suggests using a new weapon, but it's still in development and not quite ready for use yet.
As the Rangers regroup and try to come up with a new plan, Bulk's sidekick Skull shows up. He's horrified at what his friend has become, and he begs the Rangers to find a way to turn him back to normal.
The Rangers hatch a plan to use a special formula that Billy has created to shrink the 60' Bulk back down to normal size. They manage to lure him into a trap and successfully shrink him, reverting him back to regular old Bulk and leaving Skull overjoyed.
As the episode comes to a close, the Rangers reflect on the lesson they've learned: sometimes the biggest problems can be solved with the smallest solutions. They may have had to deal with a giant monster this time around, but they know that they'll always be able to find a way to triumph over evil.