Power Rangers Season 12 Episode 18
Power Rangers
Season 12

Ep 18. Bully for Ethan

  • June 12, 2004

Bully for Ethan is the eighteenth episode of the twelfth season of Power Rangers. In this episode, we see Ethan struggling to adjust with school life. He was constantly being bullied by a group of students, and he didn't know how to stand up to them. The situation worsened when the same group of bullies pick on a little kid who is new to the school. Ethan couldn't take it anymore and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Ethan's friends, Connor and Kira, tried to help him out, but he refused their help. He didn't want to be seen as weak, and he wanted to handle the situation alone. The Power Rangers are called to a battle against one of Mesogog's monsters, but Ethan, who was supposed to be the Yellow Ranger, didn't show up. The other Rangers had to fight without him. It was clear that Ethan was struggling with personal issues that were affecting his ability to be a Ranger.

Meanwhile, the bully situation at school escalated, and Ethan found himself in trouble. He was physically attacked by the bullies and ended up with a black eye. This prompted him to go to his Sensei for guidance. He was advised to handle the situation with respect and honor and not to fight violence with violence. Ethan was still uncertain about how to deal with the bullies, but he had a new strategy in mind.

The next day at school, Ethan stopped the bullies from picking on the same boy they had attacked the day before. He stood up to them, but instead of fighting, he used his intelligence to outsmart them. Ethan used his technical skills to create a hologram of himself, which he hid behind a curtain while he left school. The bullies ended up physically attacking the hologram, thinking it was Ethan. This humorous but effective approach demonstrated that fighting doesn't always have to be physical.

With the bully situation under control, Ethan was then able to focus on his role as a Power Ranger. He rejoined his fellow Rangers, and together they fought the monster created by Mesogog. The Rangers fought valiantly, and in the end, they were able to defeat the monster and save the day.

Bully for Ethan is an episode that deals with an important issue that many young people face today; bullying. The episode shows how difficult it is for a young person to stand up to bullies and how it can affect other aspects of their life, such as school and social life. Ethan's struggle is relatable and demonstrates that it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

The episode also shows the importance of non-violent solutions to problems. Ethan's approach to the bullies was innovative, and it worked. It demonstrated that there are many creative ways to handle conflicts without resorting to violence.

Overall, Bully for Ethan is a powerful, thought-provoking episode that educates the audience on the consequences of bullying while emphasizing the importance of standing up for oneself and others in a peaceful manner. It highlights the importance of friendship, teamwork, and the power of the human mind when it's used for good.

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  • First Aired
    June 12, 2004
  • Language