Positive Living

Watch Positive Living

  • 2012
  • 1 Season

Positive Living from Gaia is a show that centers around maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The show emphasizes the importance of positivity, acceptance, and self-care, as well as creating a supportive community around oneself. The show is hosted by a range of experts, including wellness coaches, influencers, and thought leaders, who share their experiences and advice with the audience. The show covers a variety of topics related to physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as providing practical tips and techniques for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

One key message of the show is the importance of mindfulness in daily life. The experts often discuss various ways to cultivate mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness practices. They also provide guidance on how to apply mindfulness to everyday tasks, such as eating and working, in order to live more intentionally and with greater contentment.

Positive Living from Gaia also tackles issues related to emotional wellness, such as anxiety, depression, and burnout. The show provides support and advice for those struggling with these issues, offering practical tips and resources for coping, such as relaxation techniques or professional counseling options.

Another key aspect of the show is the focus on natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. The experts often discuss the benefits of natural remedies, such as herbs, essential oils, and other natural supplements, and provide guidance on how to incorporate them into a healthy lifestyle. They also address the potential dangers of conventional medicine and encourage viewers to explore alternative approaches to health and healing.

Positive Living from Gaia also delves into the importance of self-care and finding ways to prioritize oneself in our busy lives. The show emphasizes the significance of taking time out to nurture oneself, and often provides practical tips and techniques for doing so. This can include anything from taking a relaxing bath to indulging in a favorite hobby or activity.

Overall, Positive Living from Gaia is a show that offers a comprehensive guide to living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. From physical wellness to emotional well-being, the show provides expert guidance, practical tips, and inspiration for creating a life of positivity and fulfillment. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, overcome emotional challenges, or simply find ways to prioritize self-care and happiness, Positive Living from Gaia is a valuable resource for anyone looking to live their best life.

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Zen and Home Life
13. Zen and Home Life
August 22, 2012
Larry Johanson shares techniques for breathing and clearing thoughts; Carolyn Caldwell provides organizing strategies for busy households; Gary Direnfeld gives a father of two young children helpful parenting advice.
Law of Attraction and Anxiety
12. Law of Attraction and Anxiety
August 22, 2012
Bob Proctor explains how we can utilize positive focus and our higher faculties to attract wealth and the life we want; Darlene Montgomery explains how to use the dream state to confront fear, seek answers and heal; Dr. Fuscia Sirois offers tools and guidance to overcome fear.
Relieving Fear and Embracing Pain
11. Relieving Fear and Embracing Pain
August 22, 2012
Sherry Dale explains how EMDR is used to desensitize fear reactions so they no longer have an impact; Dr. Ulrich Schimmack explains the difference between happiness and well being; Marlene George explains why we need to embrace the pain message from our bodies.
Past Perceptions and Procrastination
10. Past Perceptions and Procrastination
August 22, 2012
Dr. Nancy Zapolski explains how keeping the past in the past changes perceptions and behaviors; Elizabeth Payea-Butler explains how to use NLP to overcome procrastination; Karin Vagiste offers six steps to solve interpersonal conflicts; Paul Scheele explains his thoughts on the power of beliefs.
Passion for Success
9. Passion for Success
August 22, 2012
Pascal Ribreau shares his incredible story of following his passion despite being paralyzed from the chest down; Debbie Papadakis explains how hypnosis can change negative emotions into positive ones; Morty Lefkoe share his thoughts on beliefs and their meanings.
Confidence and the Mind-Body Connection
8. Confidence and the Mind-Body Connection
August 22, 2012
Catherine Hume reveals ways that busy moms can tap into their inner sexiness; Didi Vergados offers four ways that we can use our mind to maintain a healthy body; Nellie Vieira explains the importance of an authentic life and how open and honest communication enhances relationships.
Ending Poverty and Fear
7. Ending Poverty and Fear
August 22, 2012
Dr. Jeffry Sachs explains sustainable solutions for Africa; Terry Tilman explains how he faced his fear when he left his career to pursue a more fulfilling life; Dr. Zindel Segal explains the benefits of mindfulness and conscious breathing to reduce anxiety and depression.
Clearing Relationships and Entrepreneurial Success
6. Clearing Relationships and Entrepreneurial Success
August 22, 2012
Dr. Ray Blanchard explains how to create space for a better relationship; Rebecca MacDonald shares the challenges she faced in moving from poverty to financial success; Dr. Lise Janelle helps Theresa Laurico discover her internal conflicts between her successful career and a happy family life.
Leadership and Collaborative Intention
5. Leadership and Collaborative Intention
August 22, 2012
Dean Lovric and Jake Michalski explain their special leadership factors for running a successful team; Lynn McTaggart, explains how use collaborative intention to create change; Jennifer Hough provides insight to listening to your heart and living an authentic life.
Increasing Abundance and Empathy in Children
4. Increasing Abundance and Empathy in Children
August 22, 2012
Peggy McColl offers simple habits to help gain abundance and overcoming doubt; Mary Gordon explains how parents can help their children to be more empathic; Nancy Carlsson-Paige tells how she helped her son, Matt Damon, learn the importance of gratitude; Tom McCarthy offers essential components to great leadership.
Jewelry and Olympic Success
3. Jewelry and Olympic Success
August 22, 2012
Ky Joseph helps a jewelry designer perfect her business branding; Debbie Muir shares special techniques that help athletes' brains and bodies perform better; Arjuna Ardagh discusses how beliefs impact our lives; Chuck Comeau and Sbastian Lefebvre talk the importance of never giving up on your dreams.
Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
2. Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
August 22, 2012
Bruce Poon, explains the qualities of an entrepreneur; Daniel Rutley, shares the one thing men and women most want in a relationship; Hugh Comerford explains how physiology influences mind and emotions; Marianne Williamson talks about leading a spiritual life through demonstration.
Miracles and NLP
1. Miracles and NLP
August 22, 2012
Dr. Joe Vitale shares ideas on business success; Didi Vergados explains how she helped "Big Joe" with anger issues; Jack Canfield talks about the specific traits of highly successful people; Marcia Martin helps us to improve our love relationships and Lisa Nichols explains how beliefs impact our lives.
  • Premiere Date
    August 22, 2012