Ep 9. Catch the Big Fish
Pororo-The Little Penguin is an animated series ideal for children aged 2-7 years. It is an adventurous show that introduces various life lessons and morals. It follows the story of Pororo, a young, adventurous penguin, and his friends who live in a snowy village called Porong Porong Forest. In this episode, Catch the Big Fish, Pororo and his pals embark on a fishing trip at the nearby lake.
The episode starts with Pororo happily singing and dancing when he sees his friends passing by. Excited, he invites them for a fishing trip. His friends - Loopy the beaver, Petty the penguin, Harry the bird, and Eddy the fox - accept the invitation and they all get ready for the trip. After packing their fishing gear and food, the group sets off on their adventure.
On arriving at the lake, Pororo and his friends eagerly cast their lines into the water. Loopy manages to catch a fish quickly, but it was too small. The group was disappointed as they were hoping for a more significant catch. They decided to wait a bit longer, hoping to catch bigger fish.
As they wait, they notice that they cannot fish in peace. A large fish keeps splashing and scaring away all the smaller fish. The group's fishing boats started to shake, and they were all frightened. Harry suggested they abandon the fishing trip as the big fish was too scary.
However, Pororo decided to catch the big fish instead of running away. But he didn't know how. Eddy had an idea, and he suggested that they go to TongTong, a dragon in the forest, to help them.
After reaching TongTong's house, they explained their situation to him. TongTong gave them two magic beans, which Pororo and his friends used to grow a beanstalk to the sky. The group climbed up to the clouds, where the big fish had been causing trouble.
They discovered that the big fish was afraid of the clouds, and it fled every time it saw them. Pororo and his friends decided to use this fear to their advantage and took a cloud and placed it over the water where the big fish was hiding. The fish, seeing the cloud, jumped out of the water and landed into their boat.
The group was overjoyed at their catch, and they all celebrated their victory with a delicious meal. They realized that catching the big fish was not as tricky as they had initially thought. All they needed was bravery and teamwork to overcome their fears and achieve their goal. The episode ends with Pororo and his friends paddling their boat towards the sunset, singing happily about their successful day.
Overall, this episode shows the importance of bravery, teamwork, and persistence towards achieving one's goal. It also teaches kids that trying new things can be scary, but with patience and determination, anything is possible. The story is presented in a fun and engaging way that will keep young children interested and entertained.