Ep 26. Poby Is Missing
Pororo-The Little Penguin is a South Korean computer-animated television show that revolves around Pororo, the protagonist, and his animal friends in their quest to learn, play, and solve problems in their little village. In the 26th episode of Season 3 titled "Poby Is Missing," the little penguin friends find themselves in a tight spot as they search for their missing friend Poby.
The episode begins with Pororo and his friends playing hide and seek in the village. During the game, they realize that Poby is missing, and can't find him anywhere. They search high and low, looking in every possible spot they can think of. However, Poby is nowhere to be seen. As they grow more and more worried, Pororo suggests they split up into two teams to cover more ground. Eddy, Harry, and Petty go one way, while Pororo and Crong go another.
As they go further into their search, they come across different obstacles. At one point, they find a cliff that they must cross to keep going, but Crong is too scared to cross it. Pororo tries to convince Crong to come along with him, but it is to no avail. At last, he devises a plan to get past the cliff. He builds a small bridge over the chasm, and they successfully cross it.
As they continue their search, they come across a river they must cross, but there is no bridge. Pororo comes up with an idea to build a makeshift raft out of the nearby materials, and they safely cross the river. Despite the challenges they face, they keep pushing forward, looking for Poby.
Meanwhile, Poby wakes up alone in a meadow far from the village. He has no idea where he is or how he got there. He tries to retrace his steps but fails to remember anything. As it gets darker, Poby starts to feel nervous and scared. Suddenly, he hears a rustling in the bushes nearby. It turns out to be a couple of friendly deer, and they help Poby find his way back to the village.
When Poby finally arrives back home, he is surprised and pleased to see his friends waiting for him. They all come together to tell him how much they missed him and to share how worried they were. Poby is grateful for their love and kindness and promises that he will never run off like that again.
In conclusion, "Poby Is Missing" is a heartwarming episode that teaches children the importance of teamwork, friendship, and perseverance. Through the mishaps and failures that Pororo and his friends encounter, they show children that it is okay to make mistakes and learn from them. The little penguin friends remind us that no matter how hard it gets, we can get through anything as long as we stick together and help each other out.