Ep 25. Mischievous Wind
Pororo-The Little Penguin is an animated television series that follows the adventures of a little penguin named Pororo and his friends in the snowy village of Porong Porong Forest. Season 3, episode 25 of the show is titled "Mischievous Wind".
In this episode, Pororo and his friends are enjoying a beautiful day outside when a mischievous wind suddenly blows through the village. The wind causes chaos and mischief wherever it goes, moving objects around and causing all sorts of mishaps.
Pororo and his friends try to catch the wind, but it proves to be elusive. They enlist the help of TongTong, a magic dragon who is able to use his powers to control the wind. However, even TongTong finds it difficult to tame the mischievous wind, and the group struggles to figure out a way to put a stop to its antics.
As the wind continues to wreak havoc throughout the village, Pororo and his friends begin to realize that it might be more than just a playful gust of air. They suspect that someone may be controlling the wind from afar, and set out to uncover the identity of the mysterious wind controller.
Along the way, they encounter a number of obstacles and challenges, including a series of traps set by the wind controller to discourage them. But Pororo and his friends are determined to get to the bottom of the situation, and eventually they uncover the culprit behind the mischievous wind.
This episode of Pororo-The Little Penguin is filled with action, adventure, and humor, as the lovable characters work together to solve the mystery of the mischievous wind. It's a great choice for kids who love animated shows and enjoy watching characters overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.