Pororo the Little Penguin Season 2 Episode 15

Ep 15. Pororo Shrunk

  • Not Rated

Pororo the Little Penguin season 2 episode 15 is titled "Pororo Shrunk". The episode begins with Pororo accidentally shrinking himself while trying to create a new invention. Once he realizes what has happened, he tries to find a way to grow back to his normal size. Along the way, he meets his friends who are trying to help him. However, their attempts to help him grow back to his normal size aren't working.

Pororo decides to go see Harry, the inventor, who he hopes can help him. Harry tries to help Pororo but his attempts fail as well. As a last resort, Pororo turns to Crong and asks him to help him find a magic mushroom that is known to have the power to help people grow or shrink. Crong agrees to help Pororo and they set off to find the mushroom.

They make their way through a forest and finally find the mushroom. However, they soon realize that there is a problem. The mushroom can only be used once, and it can either make someone grow or shrink. Pororo and Crong must decide who will use the mushroom. They both want to help Pororo, but they don't know what it will do to him.

After a lot of talking, they decide that Pororo needs to be the one to use the mushroom. They hope that it will make him grow back to his normal size. But once Pororo uses the mushroom, they are in for a big surprise. The mushroom causes him to shrink even more!

Now, Pororo is even smaller than before, and they don't know what to do. As they are trying to figure out what to do next, they hear a noise coming from the forest. It is a group of ants who have come to help Pororo. They are excited to help him and ask what they can do.

Together, they come up with a plan to build a machine that can help Pororo grow back to his normal size. With the help of the ants, they are able to create a machine that works. Pororo gets in the machine and is finally able to grow back to his normal size.

The episode ends with Pororo thanking his friends and the ants for all of their help. He realizes that even though he made a mistake, he was able to learn from it and he has great friends who are always there to help him. The episode teaches the importance of asking for help when we need it, and that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them and grow.

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  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language