Pororo the Little Penguin Season 2 Episode 11

Ep 11. I Can Fly

  • Not Rated

Pororo the Little Penguin is a South Korean animated television series for young children. The show revolves around the adventures of a little penguin named Pororo and his friends in a village called Porong Porong Forest.

In season 2 episode 11, titled "I Can Fly," Pororo dreams of flying like a bird. His friends notice him staring at the sky and ask him what's wrong. Pororo tells them about his dream and his desire to fly. His friends are supportive and encourage him to try various ways to achieve his dream.

Pororo first tries to fly by jumping off a cliff with a pair of makeshift wings made from leaves and branches. Of course, this attempt doesn't end well, and Pororo falls into the water below. However, he is undeterred and continues to try different methods. His friends help him by building various flying machines, but these attempts are also unsuccessful.

Finally, Pororo comes up with an idea. He decides to use a hot air balloon to fly. His friends help him build the balloon, and they take it for a test flight. It's a success! Pororo is thrilled to be up in the sky, and he feels like he's achieved his dream.

However, things don't go as smoothly as planned. Pororo and his friends drift too far away from home, and they realize that they don't know how to get back. They are lost and scared until they come across a migratory bird who helps them find their way home.

In the end, Pororo realizes that even though flying is amazing, he loves his friends and being at home in Porong Porong Forest. He decides that he doesn't need to fly all the time because he's already surrounded by things that make him happy.

Overall, "I Can Fly" is a heartwarming episode that teaches children the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and friendship. The episode also emphasizes the importance of having dreams but also realizing that it's okay if those dreams change over time.

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  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language