Polyphonica Crimson S is a 12-episode anime series that premiered in 2007. Set in a fantastical world, it follows the adventures of a young man named Phoron Tatara, who is a Dantist. In this world, music is magic and is used to control spirits known as "Spirits of the Elements." Dantists are those who have the ability to contract with these spirits and use them for various purposes.
The show revolves around Phoron and his partner, Coathicarte Apa Lagrange, who is a Crimson Annihilator, a special kind of spirit that has immense power. Together, they work to solve various problems and conflicts that arise in their world.
The characters are well-developed and interesting, with each having their own unique personality and backstory. Phoron is determined and passionate about his work as a Dantist, and often puts himself in danger to protect others. Coathicarte is powerful and confident, but also displays vulnerability and empathy towards others.
Other notable characters include the carefree student athlete Felicia, the mysterious and powerful spirit Corticarte, and the strict and disciplined academy director Ayaya.
The animation style is colorful and vibrant, with detailed backgrounds and character designs. The music is a central part of the show, with each episode featuring a new musical performance that is linked to the story.
The plot is engaging and well-paced, with each episode building on the previous one to create a cohesive story. The show explores themes such as friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice, with each character facing their own personal struggles and challenges.
Overall, Polyphonica Crimson S is a well-crafted anime series that is sure to delight fans of fantasy and adventure. With its memorable characters, engaging story, and beautiful animation, it is a must-watch for anime enthusiasts.
CastHiroshi KamiyaHaruka TomatsuAyako Kawasumi
Premiere DateApril 4, 2009
IMDB Rating5.9 (32)
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