Pokemon Season 9 Episode 4
Season 9

Ep 4. Wheel of Frontier

  • TV-Y7
  • 21 min

Ash and his friends finally reach the Battle Frontier. They are excited to participate in the various challenges and battles that await them. As they explore the area, they come across a mysterious figure who introduces them to the Wheel of Frontier. This wheel chooses which challenger will face off against which Battle Frontier Brain. Ash and his friends decide to give it a spin and see where fate takes them.

The Wheel of Frontier spins and lands on Ash, choosing him to battle against the Pike Queen, Lucy. She is known for her powerful and unusual Pokemon, and Ash knows he's in for a tough fight. Lucy reveals that the battle will take place in her own floating arena, surrounded by water.

As the battle begins, Ash and Lucy each send out their first Pokemon. Pikachu goes up against Lucy's Seviper, but quickly realizes that it's not going to be an easy fight. Seviper is quick and skilled, dodging most of Pikachu's attacks. Ash begins to get frustrated, but Pikachu refuses to give up. He finally finds an opening and manages to land a hit, taking down Seviper.

However, Lucy has many other tricks up her sleeve. She sends out her Shuckle, a Pokemon that is known for its incredible defensive abilities. Pikachu tries his best, but he can't seem to do any damage. Lucy takes advantage of this and orders Shuckle to use its signature move, Power Trick. This swaps Shuckle's attack and defense stats, making it nearly invincible.

Ash knows he needs a new strategy, so he recalls Pikachu and sends out his Sceptile. This grass type Pokemon is speedy and powerful, able to counter Shuckle's moves. Sceptile tries to use his Leaf Blade attack, but Shuckle retreats into its shell for protection. Instead, Sceptile uses its agility to dodge Shuckle's attacks and land a decisive blow.

Lucy isn't done yet, though. She sends out her final Pokemon, Milotic, one of the most beautiful and graceful Pokemon in existence. Ash decides to send out his own Water-type, Corphish. The battle is intense, with each Pokemon using their unique moves and abilities. Corphish uses Bubblebeam and Crabhammer to counter Milotic's Aqua Tail and Twister attacks. However, Milotic's beauty is too much for Corphish, and he becomes infatuated with her. Lucy takes advantage of this and orders Milotic to use its most powerful attack, Hydro Pump. The attack hits Corphish head-on, knocking him out cold.

With only Pikachu left, Ash knows he has to come up with a new strategy. He remembers that Pikachu has a move called Volt Tackle, which he's never been able to use before. With no other options, Ash orders Pikachu to use Volt Tackle, hoping it will be enough to take down Milotic. At first, the attack doesn't seem to have any effect, but then Milotic begins to weaken. The attack is so powerful that even Pikachu is knocked out in the end.

Despite the loss, Ash and his friends congratulate Lucy on a great battle. They are excited to see what other Frontier Brains they will face in the future. The Wheel of Frontier spins once more, and Ash and his friends eagerly watch as it lands on another challenger. They can't wait to see what other challenges and adventures the Battle Frontier has in store for them.

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  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language