Pokemon Season 15 Episode 7
Season 15

Ep 7. Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!

  • TVY7
  • 1260 min

In Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!, Ash and his friends are travelling through the Unova region when they come across a group of trainers. Among them is a girl named Bianca who is trying to capture a Gothita, a rare Psychic-type Pokemon. When her attempts fail, Ash offers to help her catch the Gothita.

As they make their way through the forest, they come across a mischievous Scraggy who steals Ash's hat. The group chases after Scraggy, and Bianca decides to catch it after she sees its impressive battling skills. However, Scraggy proves to be difficult to catch, and as they continue their pursuit, they come across a group of Gothita, led by a particularly demanding one.

The Gothita demands that they leave the forest and tells them that they are trespassing on their territory. Ash and Bianca try to reason with the Gothita, but it refuses to listen and sends out its Pokemon to attack them. Ash and Pikachu manage to fend off the Pokemon, but they are left wondering why the Gothita is so hostile.

As they continue their search for Scraggy, they encounter the same Gothita again, and it once again demands that they leave. This time, Ash challenges the Gothita to a battle, hoping to learn more about why it is so aggressive. The battle is heated, but ultimately Ash and Pikachu emerge victorious.

After the battle, the Gothita finally reveals why it is so hostile. It explains that its home in the forest is being threatened by a group of humans who are planning to build a resort on the land. The Gothita fears that it and its fellow Pokemon will be forced from their home if the developers have their way.

Ash and his friends are sympathetic to the Gothita's plight and offer to help. They devise a plan to stop the developers from building the resort by raising awareness about the importance of preserving the forest. They gather together the other Pokemon in the forest and stage a peaceful protest, which is covered by the local news.

Their plan is successful, and the developers abandon their plans to build the resort. The Gothita is overjoyed and thanks Ash and his friends for their help. Bianca is finally able to catch her Gothita, thanks to their teamwork.

As the group prepares to leave the forest, they say goodbye to the Gothita and Scraggy, who has finally been caught by Bianca. They reflect on the importance of protecting the environment and the importance of standing up for what is right.

Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita! is a heartwarming episode that teaches viewers about the importance of environmental conservation and standing up for what is right. With its vibrant animation and engaging storyline, it is a must-watch for Pokemon fans of all ages.

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  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1260 min
  • Language